• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023

  • If y9ou are close enough to a system of importance that you can spray it, you are close enough to compromise it in countless other ways.

    This is just one of many physical access attacks. Just like “you could take a hammer to it”

    Like, I know people want to think this is some Ocean’s Eleven heist waiting to happen. It isn’t. This is only viable if you can drench an area with helium (which means you can already gas everyone you care about) or you have such close physical access that there are so many other things you could do. At best it is an episode of Burn Notice where Michael has to rapidly improvise an escape where his CIA handler of the week already refused to give him something much more useful.

  • I would actually very much argue that the N64 is when they “stopped trying” as it were.

    Sony (which is a can of worms on its own), Sega, and even frigging Atari realized that CD-ROM was “the future”. Nintendo… let’s skip the Sony aspect and just say they chose not to.

    The end result is that everyone else had 700 MB-ish to use for resources and were working on finding ways to hide the load times (RIP Shang Tsung). Nintendo continued to use a cartridge that could hold 4-12 and later 32 and 64 MB. This meant dialogue and cutscenes remained almost non-existent and texture work was similarly VERY limited in favor of solid colors.

    Its Nintendo and most of The Internet are still the kids on the playground looking to beat up the Sega kids so we mostly talk about the good parts of those consoles going forward. But it is always fun to watch one of the Influencers have that “So… outside of like four games the N64 REALLY sucked, huh? BUT THOSE FOUR GAMES ARE THE GREATEST GAMES TO EVER EXIST AND I STILL LOVE YOU MIYAMOTO SAN!!!”. Whereas we all almost universally agree “The Playstation had an amazing library… and most of them look like someone sharted on the screen” because… 700 MB is still not a lot for texture and audio work. And “Oh yeah. The Sega Saturn existed… That was the tower of power, right?”

    And from then on? It was gimmick city. The Gamecube was “portable” because of the handle. Wii is obvious. Wii U was marketed atrociously but actually was way ahead of its time in terms of second screen (… I actually loved my Wii U) but was marketed like another condom for a wii mote. And the Switch is obviously the gameboy/console hybrid.

  • Different people like different games.

    But SoD is very much built around that sandbox style gameplay. Your guide is how you connect the evidence of whatever crime you are investigating.

    That said: I think the tutorial is “a lot” but it is well worth doing at least a good chunk of it. They do a great job of teaching you the basic steps for how to investigate a murder and what to do next.

  • … mostly the other way around?

    Theoretically it is possible that a compromised machine could compromise a USB stick. If you are at the point where you are having to worry about government or corporate entities setting traps at the local library? You… kind of already lost.

    Which is the thing to understand. Most of what you see on the internet is, to borrow from a phrase, Privacy Theatre. It is so that people can larp and pretend they are Steve Rogers fighting a global conspiracy while necking with a hot co-worker at an Apple store. The reality is that if you are actually in a position where this level of privacy and security matters then you need to actually change your behaviors. Which often involves keeping VERY strong disconnects between any “personal” device and any “private” device.

    There have been a lot of terrible (but wonderfully written) articles about journalists needing to do this because a government or megacorporation was after them. Stuff like having a secret laptop that they never even take out of a farraday cage unless they are closer than not to an hour away from wherever they are staying that night.

  • I think any “privacy oriented OS” is inherently a questionable (kneejerk: Stupid and reeks of stale honey) strategy in the first place.

    A very good friend of mine is a journalist. The kind of journalist where… she actually deals with the shit the average person online larps and then some. And what I and her colleagues have suggested is the following:

    Two flash drives

    • One that is a livecd for basically any linux distro. If you are able to reboot the machine you are using and boot to this, do it. That helps with software keyloggers but obviously not hardware
    • One that is just a folder full of portable installs of the common “privacy oriented” software (like the tor browser) supporting a few different OS types.

    Given the option? Boot the public computer to the live image. Regardless, use the latter to access whatever chat or email accounts (that NEVER are logged into on any machine you “own” or near your home) you need.

  • Keyboard wise? At this point, prices have dropped enough that there is no real reason to go to one of the major manufacturers for anything that isn’t disposable. And basically “all” of the smaller batch mechanical keyboards are dependent on QMK or VIA to some degree which means you can customize them on any machine that can run chrome.

    For the logitech price point/build quality? Unless you know why you don’t want one, you can’t go wrong with a Keychron (https://www.keychron.com/). The price and build quality isn’t “the best” but it is very much on par with the logitechs and razers of the world and they are perfect for someone who just wants “a keyboard that works” or someone who wants to learn what they ACTUALLY want out of a keyboard.

    Mouse wise? There are an increasing number of “third parties” but… they basically all suck unless you are going to go crazy and mod them. And while I think the firmware matters less in these cases, there are an increasing number of qmk/via mice but… they mostly feel “cheap” or like they are just proving the viability. I have a friend with a ploopy but even he doesn’t really recommend it. So… you are still more or less suck with logitech and razer and the like for that. But hopefully as those companies lock their hardware down more it will lead to something in between “here is a cheap no name ergonomic mouse” and “here is a five hundred dollar mouse”.

  • It isn’t about being reasonable.

    If you are expected to track your time to this degree (and, to make it clear, the majority of employers actively don’t want you to), there is a reason. That reason usually being different funding sources. Generally a mix of grants and clients.

    And if a client or grant source finds out you are lying about those? Maybe you only had enough work to do 34 hours instead of 40 hours in one week. Would you be cool paying extra because the guy repairing your muffler had a slow week?

    And if people think being proud of a tool that openly talks about what everyone else silently does isn’t a red flag for employers? Hey, its a great job market so I am sure none of that will matter.

  • Agree that the macbook IS the “future” (really present), same as it was with phones, because a single monolithic SOC is much easier to manufacture and has massive power and energy benefits. That said, I do like that “new” PCAMM2 format since it does wonders for making even those kinds of systems upgradable… to the extent you would upgrade.

    And a macbook with a lot less glue and signed parts is kind of what I think we SHOULD be striving for.

    That said, gonna nitpick a bit

    Having a highly configurable machine is the opposite of the MacBook. There’s probably a market for the Framework laptop. It fully leans into being configurable and repairable.

    Again, define “configurable” and “repairable” because the former is buying dongles and the latter is not too dissimilar from other (non-apple) laptops on the market

    That gives the user a bigger sense of control. They don’t feel dependent on huge corporations.

    Ah, so we are paying the security blanket tax. Farmework makes me feel warm and fuzzy so I should give them money?

    It’s not just a feeling either. Other companies don’t want their customers to repair or exchange anything on their laptops and will void the warranty if you do it. Framework is the opposite as it encourages their customers to assemble and replace parts themselves.

    Again, actually check out the landscape. Apple are fucking assholes and always will be. But when even frigging Microsoft is making fairly repairable devices (lots of glue but https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Microsoft+Surface+Pro+4+Screen+Replacement/60348 )?

    Mostly it sounds like you are reading that marketing schpiel I alluded to. “Companies aren’t your friends and all want to fuck you in the ass. Except Framework. We are your friends”

    Customization has become huge in the PC market, especially among gamers. Framework is smart to try and fill this individualist niche. The marketing works well, just like you said. I find the programmable LED modules quite charming for example.

    Probably the biggest thing that happened to PC gaming specifically in the past decade is the Steam Deck. Which is a minimally customizable handheld computer

    The option to buy the laptop as a kit for me to assemble myself also sounds fun.

    And good for you. Personally, I would rather do my zany projects with random crap I got off ebay or build some gunpla. But… I am not going to tempt fate by saying I would never even consider buying a 1k USD model kit.

    Empowerment is what the marketing sells to their customers. Few people really need this product, but many find it desirable.

    On that I 100% agree. I just… wouldn’t call that a positive.

  • Lemmy is an outlier where anything “AI” immediately triggers the luddites to scream and rant (and occasionally send threats over PMs…) that it is bad because it is “AI” and so forth. So… massive grain of salt.

    Speaking as (for simplicity’s sake) a software engineer who wears both a coder and a manager hat?

    “AI” is incredibly useful for charlie work. Back in the day you would hire an intern or entry level staff to write your unit tests and documentation and utility functions. But, for well over a decade now, documentation and even many unit tests can be auto-generated by scripts for vim or plugins for an IDE. They aren’t necessarily great but… the stuff that Fred in Accounting’s son wrote was pretty dogshit too.

    What LLMs+RAG do is step that up a few notches. You still aren’t going to have them write the critical path code. But you can farm off a LOT more charlie work to the point where you just need to do the equivalent of review an MR that came from a plugin rather than a kid who thinks we don’t know he reeks of weed.

    And… that is good and bad. Good in that it means smaller companies/teams are capable of much bigger projects. And bad because it means a lot fewer entry level jobs to teach people how to code.

    So that is the manager/mentor perspective. Let’s dig a bit deeper on your example:

    I dont like Bash because of its, dare I say weird syntax but it made the most sense for my purpose so I chose it. Also I have not written anything of this complexity before in Bash, just a bunch of commands in multiple seperate lines so that I dont have to type those one after another. But this one required many rather advanced features. I was not motivated to learn Bash, I just wanted to put my idea into action.

    I did start with internet search. But guides I found were lacking. I could not find how to pass values into the function and return from a function easily, or removing trailing slash from directory path or how to loop over array or how to catch errors that occured in previous command or how to seperate letter and number from a string, etc.

    Honestly? That sounds to me like foundational issues. You already articulated what you need but you wanted to find an all in one guide rather than googing “bash function input example” or “bash function return example” or “strip trailing strash from directory path linux” and so forth. Also, I am pretty sure I very regularly find a guide that covers every one of those questions except for string processing every time I forget the syntax to a for loop in bash and need to google it.

    And THAT is the problem with relying on these tools. I know plenty of people who fundamentally can’t write documentation because their IDE has always generated (completely worthless) doxygen for them. And it sounds like you don’t know how to self-educate on how to solve a problem.

    Which is why, generally speaking:

    I still prefer to offload the charlie work to newbies because it helps them learn (and it lets me justify their paycheck). And usually what I do is tell them I want to “walk you through our SDLC. it is kind of annoying” to watch over their shoulder and make sure they CAN do this by hand. Then… whatever. I don’t care if they pass everything through whatever our IT/Cybersecurity departments deem legit.

    Which… personally? I generally still prefer “dumb” scripts to generate the boilerplate for myself. And when I do ask chatgpt or a “local” setup: I ask general questions. I don’t paste our codebase in. I say “Hey chatgpt, give me an example of setting the number of replicas of a pod based upon specific metrics collected with prometheus”. And I adapt that. Partially to make sure I understand what we are adding to our codebase and mostly because I still don’t trust those companies with my codebase and prompts. Which… is probably going to mean moving away from VSCode within the next year (yay Copilot) but… yeah.

  • I strongly encourage taking a look through ifixit’s website as a surprising number of laptops these days are repairable in that regard. I mean, I was doing a quick google to get an example of a laptop they have a guide on and was shocked to see fricking Microsoft Surface screens of alll things are front and center in their webstore.

    As for customizability? I can definitely see use cases for that and there have been times I questioned just how much I would be willing to pay to get a headset jack on a modern laptop. But I very much agree with Wendell’s joke over at Level1Techs that those mostly exist for him to get bored during a meeting and disassemble his laptop. After the initial configuration you are unlikely to really touch them ever again (outside of niche cases).

    And… years ago I learned the glory that is USB hubs. Dongles sucked. But even a 20 dollar anker hub/dongle turns one USB C hub into 4 As, an ethernet port, an audio jack, and an ethernet port. Having a dongle/hub dangling out is a bit annoying (but honestly a closer match to me plugging it in at my work desk) but… I don’t think it is 250 USD annoying.

    Like I said, conceptually I love the concept of Framework but every time I math out what they actually bring to the table… yeah. And it increasingly feels like there is a strong marketing campaign (can’t imagine which investor contributed to that…) to misrepresent the modern day laptop market.

    I will say that the best argument I have seen is that the “real” usb c ports are recessed and only accessed through the Totally Not Dongles. Which means it is a lot harder to break/bend a port that would require soldering to repair. I… don’t know if I agree that is a 250 USD feature and have concerns over the implications of the design on the mobo but that is the kind of thing that would be nice for more vendors to adopt. Even if the ports themselves aren’t “modular”, but just to have an easily swapped board/module in the event someone drops their laptop on a thumb drive a hundred times.