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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Yeah they need the community for that. They needed the community for everything. And you know what? Go on that site right now. It’s just endless dribble. Reformatted TikTok videos posted by bots. People endlessly repeating the same shit over and over again. Bots copying those endlessly repeated comments on the subsequent reposts. Where’s the stuff that made Reddit special? Has there been a chuck testa meme or noteworthy cool event like a good ama or the Christmas exchange that’s occurred recently? Is there content coming out of the site that’s making the news like it once did? Is the spark there? No

    Now it’s just another corporate whore of a company where a bunch of sparkling water drinking pussies with erectile dysfunction sit around trying to figure out how they can best game the system to exploit their pageviews.

    The ceo of this company comes out embracing Elon Musk, whines about how the community is cutting into his bottom line, and we are supposed to sit around continuing to provide this man with the content he needs to keep his website alive?

    Fuck that.

    I think the people who create the gold that makes the internet what it is have sort of scattered to the ether and they’re waiting for the next thing to pop up. When it happens you’ll see that spark come about once more. Actual interesting content. Good topical memes. A fun atmosphere that doesn’t feel exploited by some pretentious pricks.

    I want it to be lemmy and the fediverse. We are lying to ourselves if we think this caught all the people stepping off the sinking ship. But I think with some collective upgrades and a way better ui that can be marketed to the average person. This could and should be it.

    Here’s hoping we see that happen.

  • This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I’ve watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.

    What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.

    At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they’re not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.

  • So it depends on the setting and patient. Kids tend to have respiratory causes of cardiac arrest so the focus is more on airway management and positive pressure ventilation. Kids don’t generally code just out of nowhere like say a 90 year old might keel over. There’s usually a specific cause and if you can correct that cause they will rebound.

    As for adults it’s about the setting. Outside of the hospital we should be teaching cpr only. Especially for lay people. It gets too complicated and they’re too stressed out to remember 30 and 2, 15 and 2. Plus most people have a reserve of air in their airway and lungs that gets circulated with compressions so focusing too much on trying to get breaths in causes too many delays and confusion.

    Now for ems you can debate whether they should do cpr only with a non rebreather, a bls airway and bagging, a biad, or a definitive airway. It hugely depends on your protocols, provider availability, and who the patient is.

    In hospital we are almost always going to secure the airway during a code to remove that from the equation. We have the resources and it can be done relatively quickly without the need to delay cpr for more than a pulse check in many cases.

  • So I’ve done lots of cpr. First off it’s kind of a misconception that you’ll break ribs from cpr. You are more likely to break cartilage than actually break bones and appropriate cpr isn’t going to break bones unless they’re the smallest most frail person and the individual doing cpr is going crazy doing compressions.

    Even if you break ribs you’re probably not going to have a displaced rib fracture as there’s muscles and tissue holding those bones in place, it’s pretty rare to have ribs break so bad they risk puncturing organs and it usually involves catastrophic trauma, not what you get from cpr.

  • The bigger criticism against Rockstar is as they swing for the fences they’re building the framework to effectively heard western children in like cattle so they can milk them for a generation using their online service.

    I can’t wait for the collaboration with Fannie Mae where your 26 percent interest rate comes with 50000 shark card points.

  • Rockstar has delivered consistently and set new standards far more than Bethesda. I love Bethesda but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t trust Todd. I held off on starfield and was right. I got bamboozled by fallout 76.

    You can disagree with certain decisions by Rockstar but you can’t deny the track record. They get it done.

    You’re right we don’t have the full picture but after 30 years of gaming hype I can tell you theyre shooting for the moon here. And if any developer will successfully stick the landing it’s Rockstar.

  • Who knows how they will approach this. It’s clear they’re going to an even higher level of detail and a more living world. It appears to be a move to up things to the next level which is exactly what we have gotten with basically every gta game.

    All I know for sure is my graphics card just committed suicide after watching this trailer

  • There’s nothing inherently valuable to YouTube other than the fact that it’s the default video hosting website because it got there first. You can find other similar websites that provide video hosting that is equivalent, just without the massive audience YouTube has. Keep in mind your argument only works for G rated content because anything that is slightly controversial, even history based content, gets demonetized and there’s an entire other website called patreon that gained popularity because YouTube wasn’t paying its content creators for their work.

    YouTube has lots of options for getting people to pay for their content. If they opt to pursue ad revenue they need to accept that a subset of their audience will use 3rd party apps to get around that. Most people don’t have ad blockers so it’s really only people smart enough to download the plugins. To me this is akin to Reddit pissing in the face of their users for the sake of maximizing profits. I get why they’re doing it, but for every trick they employ to get around ad blockers someone will come up with a workaround and I’ll just download that plugin each time.

  • What isn’t happening? Them making fake csam? I haven’t seen it because I don’t want to see it but I am connnnfident it’s occurring. Some kid already got busted feeding images of girls in his class into an image generator and making nudes out of them.

    So while it might not be wide spread it’s 100 percent happening and will increase.

    Honestly releasing these generators to the general public was a mistake. They thought they could put up safety measures but they’re easily bypassed. I think they should have kept them locked up and only give access to people who are registered and trackable with people reviewing what they’re generating.

    All of these ai generators are getting abused left and right and anyone who didn’t think that would happen is an idiot.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    This is what blows my mind. Everyone keeps complaining about how terrible he is and how terrible twitter has become, but they keep fucking using it. I think if you were just using twitter to reach your audience you wouldn’t care too much what you used. I think these people know they stand to lose money and so they won’t jump ship.

    Pussies. This website has effectively drawn a line in the sand and said we are where fascist voices can unite and coordinate. If you remain on twitter even if that’s not your belief you are providing them with legitimacy and enough of a smokescreen to do what they intend to do.

    I listened to Rogan and Musk talk briefly because my curiosity got the best of me and you can tell musk has lost it. He’s full Kanye right now. You can kind of tell when someone’s fucked in the head. Their mannerisms and pacing tell the story. He’s totally off it and is going to continue to funnel millions of dollars into the hands of fascist dickheads in one way or other. Today it’s providing them with a platform. Tomorrow it’s funding politicians. He’s just up his own ass enough to do all kinds of fucked up shit because HE thinks it’s ‘what’s best for everyone’.

    The world can decide to just dump this shitdick. The sooner the better. Unfortunately a number of people are very keen on keeping things how they are and super pleased to have his stupid ass spewing their talking points.

  • I don’t know why this small detail was my favorite but it is. Theoretically you can use the xreals and do that with most devices but only the steam deck can do it without any added steps.

    The thing about the steam deck is it opens up pc gaming to places other than in front of your pc. And there’s been next to no opportunity to do that unless you consider cooking your genitals with a gaming laptop to be an enjoyable experience.

    I’ve got a nice tv room that was getting wasted because if I wanted to game I had to sit in my office. I’ve been able to be way more mobile within my house. I can stop a game on the pc and pretty easily restart it on the deck. While that’s not a new thing I do think steam cloud saves are unrivaled in functionality and ease of use.

    If you’re on the fence about the steam deck. Get it. I’d be the first to say it’s not worth it and trust me im a guy that knows how to waste money on stupid shit (case and point I bought xreal airs). But I’ve never regretted the steam deck.

  • It’s been the best handheld I’ve ever had hands down. The sheer volume of verified games and the versatility of the device are unrivaled. I’ve been able to put it in so many configurations and customize its use to what I need. I bought a wireless kb and mouse and a usb dongle to run everything into it and I’ve even gotten some xreal airs and can play with the projected screen and it works great. The best part? If I put them on and get in bed it allows you to play games while lying completely flat . That might not sound like it matters. But you cannot do that with any other device. You gotta turn your head or prop yourself up to play. It is peak laziness. And I live for it.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlTrue next-gen graphics
    9 months ago

    Starfield is just a mess. I think Todd assumed he could ride the Skyrim goodwill into the sunset with his subsequent games because he’s consistently failed to deliver since then. I love the jank of a good Bethesda game because at its heart you have a true rpg that lets you roam and complete quests how you see fit. Starfield removed the roaming and the exploration and left some very mediocre storytelling and quests in its wake. Without that magic you’re just left with increasingly awful jank that can’t be ignored.

    Thank god for Xbox game pass, I was only out about 15 dollars and was able to try the game without committing 70 dollars.