Postmarket OS it is then
Postmarket OS it is then
It is a form of hatespeech and Americans just watched a political figure do it twice on live tv so we are sensitive to it rn. We cannot tolerate intolerance in a tolerant society.
Personally I would prefer if we just hit these people
To shreds you say
Now you see the problem here is I never expected better shoes, I knew damn well no one would give them to me. I also despise the insinuation that the democrats provided protection of any kind
My apologies, that wasn’t a quote it was meant to imply sarcasm. I was saying failed the party in a facetious sense because I don’t believe anyone actually failed them.
Sure biden wouldn’t have explicitly called for ethnic cleansing but he was and would continue sending them all the bombs they needed to do it while supporting all of their propaganda. The only difference is rhetoric and speed.
Why are you angry at the voters who “failed the party” and not at the party for failing to attract voters?
Line must go up
Oh i thoughr you meant the mythological creature
You would need a large union org like the IWW. Organizing this sort of thing as an individual or from the grassroots in quite difficult.
We just have to stop using the internet at this point
Keychron makes some good ones imo
I see it as a guideline for how society could be structured after the elimination of class.
Build a garden if you can, join community efforts like mutual aid, and form or join a union. We are strongest together.
Have you tried a search engine?
I don’t often see any public bins where I have lived
Insomnia but lately I’ve been treating it with weed and it has gone quite well.
I don’t genuinely think there is anything we can do without getting rid of our current government in its entirety. That or stuff I won’t say online.
Maybe an actually successful general strike?
As a tool for reducing our societal need to do hard labor I think it is incredibly useful. As it is generally used in America I think it is an egregious from of creative theft that threatens to replace a large range of the working class in our nation.
Your telling me that wasn’t the intent?