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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/bcm3152 on 2024-09-17 11:46:10+00:00.’s%20Proposed%20’Band%2DGrab’,dedicated%20lanes%20on%20a%20highway

I know in Maple syrup land the FCC may not affect you as much as it does me but it could affect you too eventually.

Essentially this company wants to get exclusivity for some radio frequencies (900-928mhz) that are currently reserved for hobbyist/public use. There are lots of IoT devices that use these frequencies as well as fun educational projects.

Their grand idea is to reinvent WAAS while gps is working, and be a backup when it’s not. They other huge innovation is to use the barometer in tithe device to guess your altitude. That’s their story at least… What’s actually happening is akin to someone standing in a parking spot to save it for their rich friend who will be late to the party but will tip them big time for saving said parking spot. Except it worse because to save this parking spot they took your bike and threw it out of the way.