YoutubeHaiku: A place to share the best videos UNDER 30 seconds! Videos 14
seconds and under are known as Haiku videos and 15-30 seconds are Poetry! You
can also share Meme videos up to 30 seconds long under the appropriate [Meme]
tag! Rules: 1 | No channel spam or excessive self-promotion. - You can promote
your channel with a video, but only post the same channel once per week. 2 | A
Haiku is any poetic video under 14 seconds. - Use the [Haiku] tag in your title
3 | Poetry videos can be 15-30 seconds. - Use the [Poetry] tag in your title 4 |
No scripted Television or Movie content. 5 | Reposts will be removed (6 month
limit). 6 | Don’t be a dick. 7 | You will be perma-banned for posting spoilers.
8 | No videos involving death (NSFL Nature). 9 | Memes must have [Meme] tag in
Youtube Haikus are short and funny videos that make you laugh in less than 15 seconds. I loved the subreddit so I created a place where you can enjoy and share the best Youtube Haikus with other lemmy users. Check it out and let me know what you think!