• Kwakigra@beehaw.org
    9 months ago

    Are there any political science academics who can vouch for this claim?

    [T]here is the reality that Gay’s field, political science, is a data-driven discipline in which abstracts from one paper are not-infrequently copied as parts of a literature review in another, and that the borrowed phrases and summaries that account for Gay’s “plagiarism” are not crimes of theft but of sloppiness, with little bearing on the originality of her work.

    If this is true, then this article is a fascinating read which I recommend.

    • krellor@beehaw.org
      9 months ago

      I can’t speak to political science, but my background is computational maths. I’ve published papers in what I view as a very data driven field.

      I cited every direct quote from prior work, and listed additional resources that I didn’t explicitly reference but consulted.

      So it seems sloppy to me.

    • aard@kyu.de
      9 months ago

      This thing seems to be a mess with huge rightwing dicks trying to find something that sticks, with people from the other side coming up to defend her.

      I think as a scientist - and especially someone in her role - sloppiness is not a valid excuse, her stepping down was correct, and nobody should make excuses for that. It also is not OK how the rightwing nutjobs are behaving here, but I’ve lost my faith a long time ago that there are still people who can look at both issues, so that will just be a mud slinging competition from both camps until it is forgotten.

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    9 months ago

    I’ve been saying it: when Zionism wants to take you down, they’re gonna take you down.

    Fuck Israel.

  • IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    How many of those attacking Mrs. Gay on the issue of intellectually honesty are Trump supporters? The vast majority. They couldn’t give a flying fuck about honesty. Yes, leaders in academia should lead by example, but this doesn’t deserve the attention it has been getting. This is another over inflated fake culture war talking point. Put it on the list next to the war on Christmas.

    • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
      9 months ago

      Pushed by conservatives and gleefully carried by the New York Times. They weren’t duped, they were willing partners.

  • krellor@beehaw.org
    9 months ago

    I work in academia and am used to these sorts of issues of primacy, attribution, intellectual honesty, etc. While there are many examples of research dishonesty or sloppiness in higher ed at large, there is also an expectation that people who take leadership positions lead by example. Faculty led institutions expect that their leaders can walk the walk. I don’t think it is unfair to expect the president of the top rated university in the world to not have engaged in this sort of sloppiness. I also think it is fair that leaders are able to “rise to the moment” commensurate with the prominence of their role. She wasn’t the president of a local community college (nothing against them, but you have different expectations).

    The politically motivated and racist attacks against Dr. Gay are abhorrent. It is only unfortunate that they ended up finding purchase in very real issues of attribution, and in a leadership failing to navigate and control the narrative around their testimony and comments.

    Dr. Gay was hired after the shortest search for a Harvard president in recent memory, and already had a slight publication record compared to past leaders. That there are multiple elements of sloppiness in her work just further errodes her ability to lead the worlds top university.

    Additionally, it is true that Harvard is currently ranked at the very bottom of the campus free speech index, with the university of Pennsylvania second to last. At least MITs lawyerly answers were somewhat backed by the history of their institution trying to balance speech. That two ousted university presidents only felt the need to go to bat for first amendment rights now, of all times, and without addressing the potential hypocrisy of the position given their universities track record, as them leading a new change of direction, was shockingly bad judgement.

    So Dr. Gay doesn’t deserve the hate and attacks that have come her way. But she failed to deliver on the promise of any president of a top, R1 university. If you can’t publish to the highest standards, and navigate the most difficult of public relations situations, you shouldn’t be in the top leadership role of these universities.

    • raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org
      9 months ago

      What you describe is important, and you give your argument persuasively, but would it not be more important to ensure that far-right foreign groups like AIPAC not have such an influence on our academic institutions?

      I can’t say that ethics considerations should be overlooked, but this effort was very clearly made as part of a strategy for silencing criticisms of Israel, not as part of a serious concern about academic ethics.

      I think this is a way in which ethics are used by the right as a cudgel to exploit the left and center, we see this trap set again and again by the right and people walk right into it every time.

      At a certain point people need to use their reason to make a judgement about whether more real damage is done by these issues that the right disingenuously raises or by letting them achieve their goals so unscrupulously.