This one was always going to be a long shot. The real story here (or one real story, I guess) is why nobody had the guts to ask Thomas to recuse himself.
A long shot in what way? That you think they’ll find in favor of trump?
I thought this article from Vox did a good job laying out how it could fall in Trump’s favor.
Taking Trump out of the equation for a moment, I do find resonance with the argument that a state shouldn’t be able to disqualify someone from a national election and that a decision like that should sit at the federal level. I’ll also echo circularfish in that I don’t trust Republican states to fairly apply this standard. It seems like something Democrat-controlled states might do because they believe in rules/institutions so they’ll only do it when pressured, if even then. Republican-controlled states will do to score points on Fox/OAN against anyone from Joe Manchin and leftwards on the political spectrum.
Right now they are arguing whether article 14 includes the office of Presidency or not but I had to stop listening because I was getting myself worked up about it. Is the presidency an elected office- yes or no? If yes then article 14 includes the president
Yeah. The reasons they’re planning to decide what they’re deciding have nothing to do with the legal arguments being made.
Isn’t it great that the only way the supreme court can be recused from a case is if they decide they have a conflict of interest? You know…because the fact that Trump appointed 3 of them and the wife of one of them actively participated in an attempted insurrection don’t qualify as “conflict of interest.” What a fucked institution the Supreme Court is. Who could have predicted this would happen with a branch of the government defined by “all power and no accountability?”