My first impression of the game was, Vampire Survivours clone, made in Flash, but the game is “Overwhelmingly Positive” on steam. And I have heard good things about it.
What about you guys? Looking forward to the release?
It has way more depth to it than vampire survivors, just doesn’t look as nice
Yeah, everyone seems to be praising it. I was thinking of trying Vampire Surivors, maybe I should just go with Brotato.
Brotato and/or halls of torment are what I recommend personally. Vamp survivors is good but the other two have a lot more replayability imo
@pixeltree I just downloaded Brotato and within 5 minutes I’m already hooked. Much more fun than Vampire Survivors, which is already a great time.
Thanks for the your feedback. Your and 's comments have convinced me. 😀
I played this a lot on PC. I like that all the characters (and there’s a ton of them) have very different play styles.
It’s more intense than Vampire Survivors in my opinion. Sometimes in VS, you get a good build going and you have little chance of losing, so you can sleepwalk through the rest of the level. In Brotato that doesn’t really happen. Most builds are pretty fragile so you have to pay more attention and dodge more than with VS.
I also like that you shop between waves. Slowly putting together your build from the store.
All of that said, I wouldn’t play it on Switch. The game requires pretty intense focus and I just don’t like fast paced games on the Switch with it’s low fps and lower processing power. Games just feel more sluggish and less responsive. When I stopped playing Dead Cells on Switch and bought it on PC I beat it within a week. This was after trying to beat it on Switch for several months.
So, Brotato is a great game. But I would play it on PC if you can.
Well, don’t know about Dead Cells, but I am enjoying Brotato on Switch. Maybe because I haven’t experienced it on PC, I am not noticing any slow down or other issues. It’s running perfectly for me.
I’ve played a bit, it’s a fun game and the characters are unique enough to give it some depth. There’s even a pacifist character
lol. Pacifist character sounds fun. Will check it out.
Technically you still use weapons but you start with a 100% damage penalty and get points and experience for leaving as many monsters as possible alive
Ah, interesting.