Between 0:47 - 0:56

He goes from the reporter forcing him a loaded question to the reporter giving him free air time.
I feel there is a change in the power dynamic but I cannot work out what exactly plays off here.
But I think what he does is usually used as a haggling tactic. I wonder where he learnt how to do this.

    1 year ago

    I cannot work out what exactly plays off here.

    By walking away, Bernie gave the reporter a cue that he wasn’t going to allow her to continue wasting his time by repeating a loaded question, and that if she wanted an interview, she couldn’t do that. She apparently got the message.

    But I think what he does is usually used as a haggling tactic.

    That’s a pretty astute observation.

    I wonder where he learnt how to do this.

    For what it’s worth, what he did is similar to a customer at an auto dealership who walks away when they feel a salesperson is wasting their time.