Between 0:47 - 0:56

He goes from the reporter forcing him a loaded question to the reporter giving him free air time.
I feel there is a change in the power dynamic but I cannot work out what exactly plays off here.
But I think what he does is usually used as a haggling tactic. I wonder where he learnt how to do this.

    1 year ago

    It’s called: rhetoric

    Many books have been written about it in the last 3000 years, since Ancient Greece.

    The reporter tries to bring down the discussion to a sentiment-based shouting match (also part of rhetoric, called “trolling” in recent times), while Bernie answers by shouting over her points (“I can shout as loud as you”), then goes back to a clear delivery of his own points.

    When one party has no solid arguments, while the other does, it’s the dynamic that comes out:

    • one side tries to confuse the listener
    • the other tries to transmit summarized arguments

    Business/politics as usual, really.