Title text: If that doesn’t fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of ‘It’s really pretty simple, just think of branches as…’ and eventually you’ll learn the commands that will fix everything.
[Cueball points to a computer on a desk while Ponytail and Hairy are standing further away behind an office chair.]
Cueball: This is git. It tracks collaborative work on projects through a beautiful distributed graph theory tree model.
Ponytail: Cool. How do we use it?
Cueball: No idea. Just memorize these shell commands and type them to sync up. If you get errors, save your work elsewhere, delete the project, and download a fresh copy.
I have used Mercurial at work for years, and Git for side projects. I screw up far less often in Mercurial, and its tools are easy to use. It’s strange how thoroughly Git took over.
It’s not that strange. Microsoft owns GitHub.
GitHub acquisition was fairly recent compared to how long git seems to be the standard