I have an app that I released a couple years ago (plus another legacy app that I maintain for one of my company’s clients). My game has a long-ish title, but it was fine until some asshat at Google decides that 33 characters is too long. On top of that, every time I’m forced to update the target SDK, I need to spend several hours figuring out a bunch of new build errors. This is not how I wanted to spend my vacation time.

  • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
    1 年前

    Google’s definition of “Old API” though is like, 3 months. I don’t know Apple but as mentioned in my other comment when I did stuff on GCP I remember breaking changes coming every month or 2. It’s honestly terrible. Pub/Sub was the worse, a message broker that had breaking changes so frequently that I just spun up a kafka instance.

    I get what you’re saying, you should stay up to date, but Google just gives devs the middle finger. It really does feel like “Lol this isn’t even a feature you use, and it’s not like it’s a security fix or anything, our developers are just bored and rewrote something again so drop everything now and go fix it.”

    • dan@upvote.au
      1 年前

      Google’s definition of “Old API” though is like, 3 months.

      Oh, okay. Admittedly I haven’t done a lot of Android development and didn’t realise how quickly Google deprecate APIs.