Louise Perry is a modern feminist who identifies as culturally christian. She wrote The case against the sexual revolution in which she pointed out the ways in which the sexual revolution has harmed women and girls. In this essay she advocates for the fetus and decries modern liberals’ blasé attitude toward abortion.

  • ThiefOfNames she/her@beehaw.org
    3 months ago

    The article seems rather prejudiced against non-christian cultures and uses slavery practices, slaves rights, and womens rights in ancient rome to imply that the rest of the world was the same. Additionally, there is a rather clear difference between a one year old child and a few months old fetus, even if it is true that the exact moment we pick as an acceptable limit for abortion is arbitrary. The author clearly paints any sort of sexual freedom as us regressing back to antiquity, which is clearly just some dumb slippery slope thing, made clear by the last part of the article painting christianity as a garden and paganism as a wild sinister forest.

    Also, why is it that pro-lifers never bring up plan B or contraception?

    • InevitableList@beehaw.orgOP
      3 months ago

      There are numerous reports of newborns with birth defects being euthanised in NHS hospitals during the Thalidomide crisis. I’m not aware of anyone waiting until the child is one year old to abort. Surely any justification to abort would be identifiable at birth.

      The author discusses the impact of the pill at length in her book and I don’t think she identifies as pro-life. My reading of the article was that she would like abortion to be a last resort not a first resort.

      • ThiefOfNames she/her@beehaw.org
        3 months ago

        She compares the US allowing abortion as equivalent to your society drifting off towards paganism, which she describes as sinister. If she wanted a deep discussion about where to draw the line she shouldn’t have brought up how the romans raped their slaves before saying that was where your country was headed.