Hi all,

I am looking to get a second-hand SteamDeck at some point in 2025, primarily to play Skyrim SE with mods. I’ve played a lot of Skyrim on console over the years and am at the point where I want to play with a few mods.

I’ve seen that it’s possible to mod Skyrim SE on a SteamDeck but I’m aware that there’s a limit to the hardware and wanted to sense check with the community in case anyone has had any experience. I’m not interested in graphical mods, mostly expanded content and some quality-of-life mods which help with RP’ing and some immersion.

My question: does anyone foresee any problem with any of these mods running on the Steam Deck?

  • Moonlight Tales
  • Frostfall and Campfire
  • Immersive Armors
  • Immersive Patrols
  • Cloaks of Skyrim
  • True Thane SE
  • Civil War overhaul or Open Civil War SSE
  • Vanity Mirror SE (or equivalent)
  • Multiple Followers

I’d also maybe be looking into a player home.

Any help appreciated, ta.

  • jaxiiruff@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago

    I dont mod on my deck anymore but when I did I had around 250 mods installed with a lot of similar or exactly the same as yours. Ran pretty well with the resolution changed so FSR got enabled, I think it looked alright and got around 45FPS.

    Also if you find modding to be difficult with the other tools recommended already try this new one called limo it seems to be a really great option not many are aware of yet.