I need to send a sensitive email anonymously to a VP at work. I was given information I should not have but it’s important to get it to this person. I don’t have much trust in local management to address the situation. I also need to protect myself because I won’t be ready to leave this job for a few more months.
Any recommendations? It can be a simple one and done or one that’s good for a limited time/number of emails.
SimpleLogin, Addy.io, Adguard Tempmail
You’re welcome :)
Riseup mail
Not as “disposal” and you need to pay for it, but it would be totally fit your use case in that you want to hide your identity to your VP, reply to those mail, and in some level protect your personal information as they won’t store or leak your mail, granted you do use Gmail as a recipient address.
Proton email address. Either through tor or a public WiFi place.
If you only pay them in cash and don’t use your name, you should be good.
Don’t pay for it, get a free account.
It’s a non profit. Paying a little bit helps give privacy to those who can’t pay.
Disroot. It’s free and has a completely anonymous sign up process.
Could ask a journalist or lawyer to send it?
https://www.startmail.com/ (7 day free accounts)
https://mailfence.com/ (free personal accounts)
You do have to worry about spam filters and if they actually receive your email. Hopefully you get some kind of verification.
Could you post something? Obviously don’t hand write it and don’t print on work printers.
They have worked well for me, they rotate domains to avoid blockers.
Apart from the email address , make sure to not be identified by anything else. Ideally u write as little text urself , as ur writing style may be familiar to someone who knows you. Maybe also schedule the send operation as the time u send this can easily be correlated with ur time schedule. Make sure to also don’t give any other hints. I.e. u could be exposing things by talking about stuff, only u and a small circle could know. Think about other hints which could identify u.
I mean I have no idea how your email is not going to looks like some kind of scam coming from non official resources.
Whatever you use, use TAILS