For context, I have no idea on how to take care of plants, but I’d like these three baby plants I bought to thrive.

I’d also love to snip them every now and then when I’m cooking, making a salad or a tea etc.

Right now each plant is quite young and in small plastic pots. The chocolate mint is already about 8-12 inches tall. The lemon balm and orange thyme are both less than 5 inches tall.

My questions where I’d love your advice are:

  • How often should I water these plants?
  • They’re all newly bought and in disposable plastic containers. When I repot them, will it be dangerous to mix their current soil and the generic store bought soil I’m planning to get?
  • How fast do these plants grow? Should I be optimistic and already buy semi-large pots, even though they’re quite tiny right now?
  • Any other general tips to care for these plants?

Appreciate your advice, whether it’s plant-specific or applies to all the three plants. Thanks in advance!

    1 year ago

    Ah, maybe it is just a bug in the comment calculation then. I did think it was odd when I replied that an hour old post on a brand new forum about plants already had 17 replies, haha.

    I’m jealous of everyone with bright indoor spots :) I actually don’t know if it makes any difference taste-wise for herbs if they get leggy, but it does make for a scraggly, sad-looking plant.