Even worse. Games with a mysterious auto save “feature” that don’t allow a manual backup save. There’s a special place in hell for those developers.
Or whatever the fuck Dragon’s Dogma 2 had
Idk, I feel that’s okay as long as the saves are incredibly frequent and reliable.
I’ve never lost progress in a From Software game for instance, and they have an only auto save system, but it saves literally everything you do as soon as you do it, so unless you deliberately alt-F4 instantly after doing something, you won’t lose any progress.
We need a Luigi on the inside
Some games actually have this feature.
It’s clearly bad juju if you dont then save again just to be sure.
Day 347: I’m still trying to exit the game. Send help, I can’t close the game without losing my progress!
Somebody never played Nintendo back in the day
Why… why am I in this meme?
Props to Animal Well developer, it doesn’t prompt you if you saved in the last minute.
- Saves Game
- Tries to exit
- Confirm exit?
- No
- Saves again
- Hits Save and Exit
The only solution is to keep playing
One time during the final mission in Batman Arkham City I hit the power button at the same frame the auto-save turned on. My save was corrupted and I had to speedrun the story again. Thank god I wasn’t doing Riddler trophies I would’ve gone insane.
Your meme game is ridiculously strong .
They could improve this so much by saying something like “the last 2 minutes and 24 seconds of unsaved progress will be lost” instead. Just need to keep a time counter from last save, that’s not too much overhead.
I think it’s no mans sky that tells you how long ago your last save was before you leave. That’s the ideal.
The new Prince of Persia is the worst for this! There’s no auto-cloud save, so you have to manually manage uploading and downloading to the one cloud save slot between your three on-device slots.
And no matter what, no matter how long it’s been, it asks about it, like: “Your last save was 0 minutes ago, as you sure you want to exit?”
Flashbacks of playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at a the of frequent unexpected power cuts. Painful.