Big Tech designed their platforms to keep you trapped.
YouTube, X, Instagram, and TikTok aren't neutral spaces. They're businesses built on capturing your attention and data. Their algorithms, notification systems, and content policies all serve one purpose: keeping you engaged on their terms. And their terms alone. There's no freedom
So you’ve not been paying attention the last 20 years? Letting Nazis be Nazis on your platform just turns it into a Nazi platform
Everything you’re saying is just fear mongering in my opinion. Also bad faith as you only point out the most extreme examples right off the bat. I don’t engage with extremism you ARE a part of the problem.
No, they’re completely right. Destructive, hateful opinions are not “just different opinions”, they are actively destroying and bastardizing the discussions and making people feel unwelcome. They are not to be tolerated unless you want all normal people to leave and only the assholes to stay, just like what is happening with Twitter.
Fuck nazis and their sympathizers.
The problem is giving them a platform has let the extremists on the Right to come to power in the United States. Hearing differing opinions is one thing, tolerating the attacking of minorities and the destruction of a functioning government is another. How much debate are we supposed to engage in before we say enough is enough?