Hi there, I just installed Proxmox on my home server and like the idea a lot, but there is a noticable learning curve. I used this wonderful website and the provided link for home assistant os.
Usually home assistant is available at homeassistant.local without any configuration, i think its called mdns? But on my setup, homeassistant.local does not work for me, on any device, but the ip does.
So i suspect some settings in the proxmox firewall stops the ha vm mdns service from creating an entry in my router (fritzbox). I could not find any useful information about this though, and AI gave me the usual not quite helpful advice.
I hope you have some tips what i can check. Thanks a lot!
ps: I want to host caddy as a reverse proxy on the server some day. Does it make more sense to host a dns server as well and use caddy to forward to the ip?
Sorry, i thought i was clear.
I used the proxmox ve helper script from here: https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/ to install ha os.
The local domain does not get resolved how it should, i hoped someone here might have hosted ha in proxmox themselves or ran into a similar problem, or could give me a hint what to check
If you click the HA header, there’s 5 different scripts there, each install HAOS in a different way. As a container in an LXC, as a “baremetal” LXC, as a VM, as a Pimox VM, or as a Podman container.