First of all, I don’t mean this post as a complaint, maybe more of a warning?
There is teenagers on the fediverse. Most of them don’t share their age, for hopefully obvious reasons. I’d say that a lot of the accounts which do a lot of posting/commenting are run by teenagers — because most adults probably wouldn’t have the time for that much posting.
While the young people of this generation are generally useless when it comes to something more complicated than microsoft word, the people who are good at technology, usually are very good at it.
most of my friends (most of which don’t know the difference between a laptop and a desktop) could understand the fediverse as a concept perfectly when I explained it to them irl.
So, if you’re in a really stupid argument with someone, try to remember that there is a small chance they are 14.
You’re right, but at least most millennials seem to be able to update windows, or download a youtube video if they’re determined enough.
I would say you are kinda right, but working help desk for a few years taught me there are still a ton of dumb ass millennial users.
There is dumbasses in every age demographic, but the eejits in my generation are especially bad imo.
It always seem like that. I used to think like that too, 15 years ago
Eh, scratch that, I still think like that.
Not most I know lol
At least the older ones.
In the 30s range at least in my experience.
Yep, fedi seems to have a lot of them.
Your pretty much only thinking of the teens with myspace generation