It’s specific to DHL in America. DHL presence in the US is mostly used for international shipping, domestic rates are pricey. So if something is shipped via DHL it’s often something expensive that requires a signature. (I have never received something from DHL that didn’t require a signature if they were delivering to end point). They also are overstrained like every other delivery operation… so they just slap a sticker on your door and move on… unless you happen to be right by the door and can catch them.
It’s specific to DHL in America. DHL presence in the US is mostly used for international shipping, domestic rates are pricey. So if something is shipped via DHL it’s often something expensive that requires a signature. (I have never received something from DHL that didn’t require a signature if they were delivering to end point). They also are overstrained like every other delivery operation… so they just slap a sticker on your door and move on… unless you happen to be right by the door and can catch them.