Adolescent internalizing symptoms (e.g. depressive affect) have increased over the past decade in the US, particularly among girls. The reasons for these increases are unclear. We hypothesize that increasing exposure to politicized events has contributed ...
This is actually a useful comment in how well it succinctly distills all the batshit crazy conspiracy theories of the modern far right. It’d be useful to screenshot and put in a Wikipedia article on how propaganda takes over people’s brains.
This is actually a useful comment in how well it succinctly distills all the batshit crazy conspiracy theories of the modern far right. It’d be useful to screenshot and put in a Wikipedia article on how propaganda takes over people’s brains.
You need to get out of your echo chamber. If you did, you will see how absurd your comment is.
Is this satire? Are you playing a role? Poe’s Law means I cannot tell.