I took my first landlord to court because they kept my deposit and didn’t give me an itemized list of deductions from it. They had three weeks to do so after I surrendered the property.
The god damn judge ruled in their favor because they said that the three weeks started when the original lease ended, not when I dropped off the keys to this office. This was almost 10 years ago and it still puts me in a bad mood.
I took my first landlord to court because they kept my deposit and didn’t give me an itemized list of deductions from it. They had three weeks to do so after I surrendered the property.
The god damn judge ruled in their favor because they said that the three weeks started when the original lease ended, not when I dropped off the keys to this office. This was almost 10 years ago and it still puts me in a bad mood.
That sounds like the stupidest possible interpretation of anything. That judge needs to find a new job
Was the end of the original lease later? Couldn’t you just sue again once those three weeks were up?