In all honesty, having read those same reports in the past (does it make me a weirdo that I enjoy reading this kind of thing?) I note that many of the individuals involved in this corruption were installed by LNP governments (tempted to say “of future past,” because that just sounds fun). I smell false flag on their part, as they have been known to install cronies into organisations they’re opposed to so they can tear it down and claim they’re ‘fixing’ them
In all honesty, having read those same reports in the past (does it make me a weirdo that I enjoy reading this kind of thing?) I note that many of the individuals involved in this corruption were installed by LNP governments (tempted to say “of future past,” because that just sounds fun). I smell false flag on their part, as they have been known to install cronies into organisations they’re opposed to so they can tear it down and claim they’re ‘fixing’ them