I got a homelab, at the moment I am only running some local stuff and tailscale to reach my stuff remotely.

I can use tailscales ddns, but I would like a real domain. Is there a domain registrator that works with dynamic ips? Or do I need to use a CNAME instead of A record?

  • terribleplan@lemmy.nrd.li
    1 year ago

    There are many ways to update dns automatically, I have used this container in the past. You could probably even write a bash script/cron job that checks your IP and updates it with curl depending on your DNS provider.

    If you are already running tailscale you may be interested in using a funnel, which lets you accept and route internet traffic to your tailnet. I don’t use tailscale so can’t comment on how good/bad/useful this is.

    You could also run some sort of service like frp from some remote box (like a VPS in DO/Linode/etc). This or the funnel lets you not expose/advertise your home IP address if that is a consideration.

      • redcalcium@c.calciumlabs.com
        1 year ago

        I usually use autossh to establish a persistent port tunneling but sometimes got frustrated with the performance of the encrypted tunnel for some use case. Sometimes I don’t need encryption, but need to saturate my nic. frp seems to fit this use case.