I’m looking for a little advice because I’m feeling pretty lost. Without going too far into it, my manager at work is using things that she knows are part of my disability, autism, to give others a negative impression of my work performance and conduct, and causing me to be disciplined. I believe she’s trying to have me fired or get me to quit. She’s also been giving me an excessive workload, being rude, not giving me feedback or information, and outright lying about me. I’ve been with the company for almost a decade, she’s been with it for less than two years, and I’ve never had any issues like this. I’d always disclosed my disability, which is how she knew about it, but never requested accommodations because no one gave me problems. My director and VP seem to be on her side and working with her to get rid of me.

After dealing with this for a few weeks and turning into a nervous, stressed out mess, I replied to an email she sent and outlined exactly how things she was saying was discrimination and a legal liability for the company. I asked to be reassigned to a different manager. I sent it to a bunch of higher ups on Friday evening, including the head of HR. I’ve also been going through the formal accommodation process and my doctor got them the paperwork on Thursday.

I’m now terrified to go into work on Monday. I’m scared I’m going to be dragged into a meeting room and intimidated into recanting my statements or told that what I’ve experienced isn’t really discrimination. I’m worried they’re going to say no to any accommodations, no matter how narrowly I’ve constructed them. I’m afraid they all hate me and want me gone or they’re going to fire me. I don’t want to go in at all.

I was wondering if anyone else has gone through anything like this and can give me advice for what to do beyond just documenting everything as I’ve already been doing. Has anyone dealt with this and come out on top? Had similar experiences? How do I not feel so afraid?

  • Chris Remington@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    I’ve had only one workplace experience that I would consider extreme. I was directly threatened (unsolicited physical harm) by another co-worker. I immediately brought it to the attention of the manager and their response was: “I don’t have time for this shit!”.

    I walked out, got in my car and drove home. Then I wrote a very detailed letter (email) to the corporate headquarters explaining what had transpired. The next morning I went back to work, with several printed copies of that email, to hand deliver to the managers.

    While waiting in my car for the building to open, one of the managers came to speak to me. They expressed to me that they knew what had happened the previous day and headquarters weren’t going to do anything about it. I gave that manager the printed copies, drove home and never looked back.

    I had enough self-respect and dignity to just move on and leave all those assholes behind.