Yeah, if you’re in the passing lane, and aren’t passing anyone, I’m pissed. I don’t care if you’re going 10 under or 50 over, the passing lane is exclusively for passing.
yeah, but how often do you see those around on highways (compared to regular exits)? and it doesn’t excuse those people who get in the left lane 10 miles before the turn itself and go 10 mph below the limit…
More specifically, in the left lane. The right lane can do whatever it wants
Yeah, if you’re in the passing lane, and aren’t passing anyone, I’m pissed. I don’t care if you’re going 10 under or 50 over, the passing lane is exclusively for passing.
Yes, but NB: the left lane is not a passing lane for left exits or left on ramps/merges.
yeah, but how often do you see those around on highways (compared to regular exits)? and it doesn’t excuse those people who get in the left lane 10 miles before the turn itself and go 10 mph below the limit…