I honestly feel defeated right now, it feels like currently it’s impossible to truly stay private online unless one is willing to move to a cabin in the woods with no internet and you stop using tech all together and truly become a ghost and stay offline. Can someone help me feel like everything I am currently doing is actually making a difference? Because right now it doesn’t feel like it.

    • nyandere@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      RIP alcohol purchases or returns tho… many stores have begun enforcing policies that scan your id or refuse to service you. And if you think you can live without alcohol, just wait until they make you scan it as a condition to enter the store (like Amazon Go.)

      The only saving grace is the barcode on an id is easily spoofed and can be generated by a 9 year old with access to Github.

      • JoeKrogan@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I guess it depends on your age and how old you look but even when I did have to show Id it was just that, show it to the cashier. I wouldn’t let any random person scan it.

        That being said I could totally go without alcohol if needs be.