I chose to use opensuse tw kde based on some vm tests. The installation was easy but for some reason the video playback on youtube is terrible. It stutters. First thing I did after install was to use opi to install codecs. Then I used Yast to get the Nvidia repo. Lastly, I used the software manager to install the video g06 driver.

To be honest I am happy using Windows 10 but I wanted to try Linux again because of the privacy and security, but there always seems to be something whenever I try to use linux. Should I keep using Windows or try a different distro?

My specs:

1080ti, ryzen 2600, msi b450 tomahawk.

Update: It was the secure boot setting. Nvidia drivers don’t work with it on I guess. Thanks for all the other information though, more to look into.

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    7 months ago

    Nvidia doesn’t have an official driver to support VAAPI, the tool most applications use for hardware accelerated video decoding.

    To use it, you will need to install your distro’s package for this third party project and configure Firefox to enable hardware decoding. Be aware that stability and performance aren’t always guaranteed, as Nvidia isn’t behind this code. You may also need to set environment variables to force Firefox to use the right buffers (MOZ_EGL=1) or force the right driver (LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=nvidia) to get hardware decode working.

    I got it to work on Ubuntu a couple of days ago. I stuck with the latest official Nvidia drivers

    In some (quite rare) cases, Youtube will serve you AV1 video. Your hardware can’t decode that, it’ll have to be decoded in software. Usually AV1 is reserved for low-res video, but you may see your CPU spike in some cases because of it.

    Unfortunately, Nvidia and Linux remain enemies if you just want to use your computer. The situation is improving, but at a glacial pace.