Ever since I started a new job last year, I’ve been having these problems. I work in retail. I’m constantly making mistakes, I’m unfocused, forgetful, bad at organisation and using initiative, and sometimes struggling to hear or understand what people are saying to me. Like I don’t hear their words or they don’t register in my head. I’m also having trouble making conversation with my colleagues which is making it difficult to build a relationship with them.

It’s normal to make mistakes, but I am making them constantly and it often causes a great deal of frustration and embarrassment for me, as well as irritation for my colleagues.

I’ve tried to brush it off as me being naturally clumsy person that is very shy and introverted. But I feel like it’s something more than that, because I’m having genuine communication issues too when it comes to hearing and understanding what I’m being told.

  • curiousPJ@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I can hear everything perfectly, but can’t focus on a person speaking because my brain will give equal attention to every other noise source around me.

    THAT’S A SYMPTOM OF ADD??? I did not know that! Honestly, I thought that was just normal or I needed special hearing aids even though annual hearing tests came out perfect.

    • pHr34kY@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Look up ADHD and “Auditory Processing Disorder”. I believe there’s a decent overlap between the two.