Like the title said, I had a blast riding an e-bike and didn’t have anyone else to share this to, so I’ll tell anyone who is willing to read about it.

I’ve been getting into riding bikes for the past several months, and decided to try an e-bike at a store and I can’t get over how much fun it is. Riding at 20 mph feels way more fun than driving any car at like 65+ mph. Just the feeling of the wind going past my face felt much better than any of the creature comforts in my car

I have to put in a conscious effort to show emotions on my face, but with riding this e-bike, I had the dumbest, biggest smile on my face from the moment I got onto the bike. Everybody I passed, I wanted to walk up to them and tell them that I was having so much fun and that they should try out this bike. Of course, I didn’t because I have the social skills of a brick, but the urge was still there

I also wanted to buy the bike that day so bad, but I knew I needed to practice some form of self-restraint and wait to make sure I truly wanted that bike and not needlessly spend money for retail therapy

Anyways, bikes are cool, public transit is cool, and micromobility is super cool. I hope everyone can feel the same joy/happiness I felt while I was riding this bike sometime in their life

I hope your day goes well. If it doesn’t, I hope it gets better. Thanks for reading!

    1 year ago

    ebikes are amazing. I’m disabled and they help me so much in being able to go places!

      1 year ago

      I love that they are a great equaliser. In group rides, those who are not so ‘athletic’ can easily keep up with the group so it reinforces the social element.

    1 year ago

    I got mine about a year ago after a test-drive, I absolutely do not regret it.

    Previously I had done a moderate to low amount of biking when I could, but now I commute ~20Km to work and another 20 back most every day in the spring, summer, and fall. I even commute occasionally in the winter when paths have been properly cleared.

    I went upper ‘mid-range’ and ended up spending up spending about $3000 CDN on it, (as a daily commuting vehicle, it’s much cheaper than a second car would be.) I researched reputable brands, and I would absolutely not trust a strangely branded discount Li Ion battery from the internet.

    You still have to put in a decent amount of work peddling, but the electric motor makes the bike’s speed, acceleration, and range much better than it would be normally.

    The infrastructure of your area and what you would be doing with it will play a big part in what sort of ebike is right for you. I prioritized distance, speed, and carrying capacity, but I am going about 40 Km a day on it, so other bikes might be better suited to other purposes.

    1 year ago

    E-bikes got me regularly using pedal and exercise bikes! They make regular biking so much more accessible and they’re zippy too. I was able to take my class 2 e-bike up to 40km/h (50 on downhill sections).

    The speeds addictive so I went and bought an electric dirtbike.

    1 year ago

    I have had one for 2 years or so, have about 1000 miles on it. It is the best possession I’ve ever had. I have cycled all my life, but getting older and out of shape, was doing it less. I ride much more now, and plan trips around cycling that I would not before.

    The great thing is that you can adjust the pedal assist level to suit what you want. For utilitarian trips, commuting to work or picking something up across town, you can turn up the power and go fast with less effort. If you want exercise, turn it down and work out.

    I would get (I got) a good brand bike from an established shop. The ebike needs more specialized maintenance. Even if you are a decent bicycle mechanic, you are probably going to want someone who knows how to work on it. I have had no problems with mine, but I have had it professionally maintained.

    1 year ago

    Ebikes are sooo much fun. I just have a regular bike, and I used to ride it most places whenever I could. But where I live at now is a little farther away from things than I used to be, plus it’s a little hilly. I’m thinking of getting an ebike just to make that a little more convenient, even though I do really need the exercise hah

      1 year ago

      Good news for you: apparently people who ride e-bikes just ride more and still get exercise. As long as you’re actually using pedal assist, and not pure throttle.