It’s been inaccessible for roughly 24hrs right now and I’m having a hard time finding any group talking about it. Was there a change recently, or some kind of an explanation posted?

    8 months ago

    The developer behind KBin seems to have issues delegating/accepting contributors.

    If you look at the pull requests, most have been unreviewed for months and he tends to regularly push his branches once complete and just merge them in.

    That behaviour drove the MBin fork, where 4-5 people were really keen to contribute but were frustrated.

    To some extent that would be ok, its his project and if he doesn’t want to encourage contributions that is his decision but… has gotten to the size where it really should have multiple admins (or a paid full time person). Which it doesn’t have.

    The developer has also told us he has gone through a divorce, moved into his own place, gotten a full time job and now had surgery.

    Thats a lot for any normal person and he is going through that while trying to wear 2 hats (dev & ops) each of which would consume most of your free time.

    Personally I moved to which is run by one of the MBin devs