Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
Muscle memory abuse
That’s what made me refuse to use the Reddit official app before their API garbage. Every update was a gamble as to whether they’d try to make me spend money through muscle memory.
reminds me of discord
Never used it. It asked for my phone number for verification when I tried to sign up, a long time back. I was like
I guess user name does not check out.
Switch to Linux!
As a Linux user myself, let me tell you that telling people what they should/must do this is how you make people plainly ignore you and think you’re just an annoying person.
People will keep using what works for them, be it Windows/Linux/MacOS even if with minor inconveniences. Same goes for browsers/services/etc…
“Microsoft continually makes their OS worse, but every time they do, Linux users come into the comment section telling me I should switch, so I’m not going to.”
People don’t switch just because of some minor inconvenience (as if Linux didn’t have any…) and outside of Lemmy/the Fediverse echo chamber very few people are concerned about privacy. They will switch (maybe) if the new tool works better for them than thge previous one. Otherwise, why should they bother? Linux is my primary OS since many years, but it isn’t everybody’s cup of tea.
The thing is, is that it really doesn’t affect people in the way you guys seem to imagine.
I’ve used Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Currently use Windows for work as a C# . net, SQL / GraphQL, and React TypeScript developer and although I was shocked they’re all pro windows, coming from MacOS. Once you get used to it you don’t really notice the shit stuff as you just do what you’re doing.
I would still rate my experiences in this order though: MacOS, Linux, Windows. Best to worst, but like I said even though in now use the worst in my opinion it really doesn’t have much of an impact. Plus if I were to use Linux I’d need to geek out and waste so much time configuring it and I’m past that stage.
I work in healthcate and use windows, at work and at home if I need to do work related stuff. I don’t mind windows at work as it’s been configured for the purpose and all the shitty bits are switched off - something Microsoft let’s it’s business users do. It’s a decent operating system when it’s set up to do what it needs to do, and I’m very familiar with it from using it since Windows 95.
I used to use windows at home and had Linux for occasional interest. But in the last few years I’ve moved away from windows and now I’m on Linux as my main driver on multiple devices.
For home users Windows is getting pretty shitty - it steals data all the time with numerous privacy settings you have to set to try and stop it, it tries to force you ads, it tries to force you to use its Web browser, it bundles lots of sponsored apps and when it does a big update it resets alot of your choices on privacy plus reinstalls removed bundle apps. It also throws new “features” at you which take up resources and impact privacy. Like Xbox gaming - I didn’t ask for it, I don’t want it, stop installing it every year and stop forcing an overlay on my own games.
It’s really a chore to use windows now; it feels like a constant battle to make sure it’s not intruding on your data and privacy or showing you ads. I now use windows as the exception when there is a specific game that doesn’t work in Linux. The rest of the time I boot into Linux, or use a separate work provided Windows device for home working.
I know it’s probably a case of “who asked” but I guess I just mean I get that windows can be decent for work related stuff (or necessary) but when it comes to personal stuff it’s a bit of a nightmare. And I guess it also comes down to whether the privacy invasion and advertising bothers users. Bothers me a lot, but some people don’t seem to care how the customer has become the product.
Most people don’t care because most of your problems are all privacy related. And that’s what Linux people don’t seem to get. They rant and rave about how much better Linux is… for privacy. But the average Joe doesn’t know or care that data is being collected and for the most part it doesn’t affect them. It’s just some Boogeyman being thrown at them. What they care about is ease of use and convience. They don’t dig into those details because, for the most part, they’re not even aware.
When Linux people say it’s a “better experience”, they largely mean detailed customization and more privacy.
When Windows people say it’s a “better experience”, they mostly mean that it’s the same relatively easy to use experience on every device and it Just Works®.
They’re both right. But each side argues their side of the conversation not seeing that the other side has a perfectly justified use case for theirs. It’s like arguing that everyone should drive a van and not understanding why someone might not want one.
I for one enjoy salty Microsoft tears, just makes me feel better with my choice completely ditching them.
Keep 'em coming.
Literally what? I’m a Linux user bro
It wasn’t directed to you, it is directed to people constantly crying about their choice
Get AutoCAD on Linux and I’m there buddy. Some of us need to work.
Autodesk is the only entity who would be able to do that, due to the code being proprietary.
Not impossible to happen, though. Autodesk already has Maya available for Linux.
Obviously there are alternatives like FreeCAD, but alternatives aren’t always an option.
Also, while AutoCAD might not work right now, WINE is getting better rapidly, and, while not guaranteed, it (along with Adobe programs) could theoretically work in the future without them needing to port the software. Of course, the companies porting the software would be the preferred solution here.
I’m personally not a fan of relying on proprietary technology for work, but most people are not in control of what their boss says they have to use, and the concept of proprietary “industry standards” continues to be a thing, partly due to lobbying and giving free copies to educators (Autodesk. Adobe, Apple, Google, and Microsoft are all very guilty of this). Unfortunately, I don’t see that changing soon.
Hell forget about AutoCAD, what about word and EXCEL. now you and Linux dudebros will tell me there are alternatives on Linux like libre office and what not. To them I say this
- Make a document in libreoffice , try to save it as docx and see what says libreoffice, or make a doc in word and adjust formatting, try to open same doc in libre office and see what shit show it becomes
- Hand down no body can beat ms excel, on multiple platforms, the versality is not just complex formulas but functions like xlookup, index match , combined with VBA scripting with formulas that can low-key fight python , power tables are unparalleled, if you can replicate these without A SINGLE COMMAND line input for dumb users like us That would the win.
Blame Microsoft for not conforming to their own standard. There’s a reason the EU uses ODF instead of the mess that is OOXML. Different versions of MS Office aren’t even fully compatible with each other. Also nowadays, you can use Office 365 in a web browser. For desktop, there is LibreOffice and OnlyOffice, which have okay compatibility. MS Office can also open ODF files, as is legally mandated by the EU, since it would be considered anticompetative if they didn’t.
I don’t use those functions of Excel, so I can’t comment. Also to be clear, are you asking if you can program without a Terminal? I’m not even sure what the question is. VBA is a proprietary Microsoft-specific scripting language, so of course there won’t be native support for that in non-Windows OSs, although there might be a reverse engineering effort I’m not familiar with.
Blaming Linux for a problem that Microsoft caused and won’t solve due to anticompetative practices is just dumb. Microsoft basically invented the concept of Embrace, Extend, extinguish, and Office is a prime example of that.
I’m gonna keep eating unhealthy food in large quantities, nobody should tell me what to do or what works for me…
I must admit, “Linux becomes the refuge of luddites” was never on any bingo card I could have conceived of for 202X.
Huh? Isn’t this about Microsoft changing out a button with a well established use, in order to take advantage of muscle memory and the unobservant?
Don’t think it’s much to do with people opposing technological advancement, but rather with opposing another company wanting to making a fool of them.
More over being a luddite on Linux is like a fish trying to breathe in a public swimming pool; it works until the chlorine poisoning sets in.
Linux adopts new technology constantly.The difference is that Linux generally adopts new technology because it enhances the user experience in some way, and not because it maximizes ad revenue and telemetry.
Very true.
Ehn, one can survive pretty long with a stable distro.
Yes, but eventually that LTS goes EOL and you’ll have to move from that abandonware.
Ubuntu LTS versions can last 10-12 years before EOL.
Yes, 10-12y to swim, slowly in-taking chlorine overtime…
Then when you do finally switch, you find yourself in a similar yet vastly different swimming pool and the cycle starts over.
Imagine when eventually the LTS goes Wayland only and Luddites go : “I’mma just stay with my abandonware forever.”
Luddites hate adapting to new technology as a character trait, it’s what makes them a Luddite.
Luddites will often choose to deal with decrepit, vulnerable, abandonware then change to something new because they don’t want to spend a week learning new “muscle memory”.
This is just another gripe about how Microsoft is putting AI into everything. If it’s really just about the position of a button (which apparently can be changed in the settings if you still want it there) it’s even more petty. Certainly not worth posting about on a general technology community.
I work in IT, and every time I do an install (sometimes new computers, sometimes not) for someone I see Microsoft’s little News widget they put on the Taskbar, the one that pops up a huge window if you mouse over it. Every time I see that, I ask the person if they ever use it, and they always say no. Then I ask them if they want it gone, and they always say yes, usually with some kind of relief. It’s a matter of two clicks to do it, easier than going into the settings menu like your screenshot, but every computer I haven’t been on previously has it. Now, I’d wonder why Microsoft would put something on the Taskbar that is, in my experience, universally disliked. To me it reeks of the pathetic, groveling, “I’ll suck your dick” energy they have when someone installs Chrome.
Windows 10 changed a lot over the course of its lifetime, and while some feature are good, like Dark Mode, they’re mostly useless or downright bad. So putting something that most people will never use and will greatly confuse and annoy the average user in a place that has been dedicated to a single function for at the very least Windows 10’s entire lifetime (I think it’s there in 8 and maybe 7 also) for seemingly no reason other than to fuck with people’s muscle memory is just one more move very worthy of griping about, no matter how easy it is for users to turn off. Because 99% of users just won’t, because they aren’t confident enough to go futzing around in the settings. But they’ll still get whatever god awful popup this button shows every time they try to show desktop like they’ve been doing for over a decade. It’s yet another change that nobody asked for, nobody will use, and that the user will have to remember that it’s different now for no reason.
friendly reminder that https://theconversation.com/im-a-luddite-you-should-be-one-too-163172
If Linux Luddites could TELNET into Lemmy, they would be very angry with you!
The Luddites of Linux are one’s desperately trying to convince people that Xorg is perfectly flawless and that Wayland is vaporware.
Why would people you call luddites even care about your opinion really?
Come back with your Wayland ad when there’s something like CWM or FVWM for it.
It’s simply functionally inferior now. Calling people luddites won’t change that.
Why would people you call luddites even care about your opinion really?
Literally, YOU right now.
Also, this is the linux community; everyone has an opinion on everyone else’s opinion.Come back with your Wayland ad when there’s something like CWM or FVWM for it.
LabWC, Enlightenment, Wayfire, Weston, Sway, Hyperland, Vivarium, DWL, Velox, etc.
It’s simply functionally inferior now.
It’s functionally superior in many ways, and here’s the real kicker, its actually maintainable and expandable.
Xorg HDR when? How many decades and still don’t have HDR? LMAO.
I’m done waiting for Xorg to improve and implement features that simply will never be.Just fyi this isn’t the Linux community. It’s just “technology”.
Granted on lemmy it’s basically just one big Linux community.
A luddite should ideally not involve in Display Server wars
You people are fucking crazy and will literally find anything to fight about. Normal users don’t care about this sort of shit and it’s the thing that turns people completely off when they inevitably run into a problem with Linux.
inevitably run into a problem with Linux
This has nothing to do with any of kind of Linux problem.
It’s just Luddites crying because Linux is moving on from outdated flawed software that has a bunch of unfixable problems.
Same shit happens with windows, my guy. “WHAAAAAAAA MY WINDOWS XP/98 WHAAAAAA”, at least it’s often partially valid for windows…
Luddites are not exclusive to any particular OS.If someone is having a Linux issue, they just need to ask. Literally just ask me, or the vast major of other users, we’ll literally provide better tech support than Windows will ever have.
“And the lord said unto John, come forth and install gentoo.”
What do you mean? Vocal parts of Linux community is about 80% luddites
I noticed this bullshit a few days ago on my Win 11 desktop! I found if you go check the settings of the start bar, you can hide the copilot icon in the lower right, and then there’s a check box to enable the lower right hand corner to work as show desktop again. The functionality can be restore to exactly as it was, but what the hell were they thinking.
Enshitification, plain and simple.
I genuinely do not get the hype of integrating LLMs fucking everywhere. There are places it makes sense, like word processors and email clients. Then there are places it doesn’t make sense, like as an aside in my desktop environment. No one’s going to use it. It’s Cortana all over again.
I don’t wanna defend Microsoft here cause yk fuck them but I’ma guess most people didn’t even know the show desktop was there tbh or if they did use it but then again I’ve never understood why it was there I never use it
Hide desktop is useful if you have many non-minimized windows and you don’t want to minimize each one. I can vouch for that button 😎.
Yeah, I hink its super useful too. But i usually use win+d.
Or if you’re a psychopath with a desktop full of icons and files. Shudders
I’ve been using Linux since Ubuntu was in the single digits. Looks like windows entering the double digits is finally the end. I thought win10 would be able to stay relatively unmolested, but nope, copilot button and bullshit right there in the bar. Why can’t you just leave us the fuck alone. Your driving everyone away who doesn’t have a professional obligation to use your OS. I’ll still have to keep a old win10 boot drive that never connects to a network so I can play games and use CAD that Linux can’t. As a KDE fanboi they’ve added pretty much everything I’ve always wished for and plasma 6 is launching.
Now is my time. Fuck you Microsoft. I won’t miss you.
10+ years with Linux as my daily driver (yeah I’m old). When my os updates, it’s almost always with some feature that’s pretty neat.
Nowadays the steamdeck or some combo of Linux with steam can play my games, do my work, and I actively make other people’s lives better when I contribute.
Thanks for your contribution to the Linux ecosystem!
It’s people like you who make this whole thing possible
Anyone can. It’s part of what makes it great.
Clippy never really went away, he’s just been evolving this whole time into something more and more annoying with each new iteration.
Windows is shitty—don’t get me wrong. But for all my coursework it’s pretty annoying to do on Linux. Especially Office, and yes I am well aware it’s a MS product and that Linux-support will likely never come. Though the limited online version of Office or LibreOffice don’t quite cut it for me. Besides, running it with Wine or in a VM is too much of a hassle.
So “Switch to Linux!” is not really a solution for some. Let’s hope that’ll change in the future.
With that said, fuck Microsoft! I use NixOS btw.
Hurr dürr Linux improves me cognitive mental gymnastics skills deep.
Just once I would love to open one of these threads without seeing people shitting… on Linux.
Linux is not even the one doing anything wrong but people gotta rag on whoever recommends it as an alternative. This is getting more annoying than however annoying they say Linux users are.
edit: Just to make clear because some folks aren’t getting it, this is not an invitation to argue about how you feel about Linux and Linux users. I. don’t. fucking. care. I don’t even use Linux. Take it to someone who cares.
People be like:
tbf I get it. Sometimes you just want to be mad.
But like, it’s Microsoft’s fault.
“Hey I have a problem with my Samsung”
“Drop it and get an iPhone instead”
This is what you guys are like.
When people tell you to use Linux, they’re not telling you that to solve your immediate problem (e.g. your “show desktop” icon has been replaced with a different icon), but they are telling you to get out of your abusive relationship with Microsoft, because that is the real problem: Microsoft does not respect you, the end-user of their product, and this kind of abusive shit will keep happening for as long as you keep using Windows.
‘Just switch to Linux’ isn’t a solution to a problem. It’s a tired and lazy ass response that is frankly starting to make me dislike this place.
I mean “Just fix Microsoft and change its direction to be less consistently hostile and disrespectful of users” is a solution…
“Put an end to the data and attention harvesting economy” is another.
…but…switching OSs was easier for me personally, until we figure out how to wrangle a tech behemoth or fix underlying problems with human civilization.
Wow, Microsoft are always so innovative! I never thought that the Win11 taskbar could get any shittier, but somehow they managed it. It’s great to see those thousands of engineers being put to good use.
Install this. You will thank me later.
Purchase licence key
No, thanks.
There are free OS alternatives out there (which I suspect you already use but just want to poop on other’s parade).
I assume that if someone’s already using Windows, a paid OS, they are willing to pay $2 to make it usable.
idk who pays for windows these days but go you
Almost everyone pays for Windows. Notice how computers that let you not include it in the order get cheaper.
not everyone buys prebuilts but I haven’t had any actual windows license since like windows 7 I just use a random key off a PC work is throwing out oh just don’t register the shit
classic shell does the same thing for free I’ll pass
they are really tempting me to switch to linux already
They’re signaling that you don’t need a desktop anymore, only chat bot. Your device will be a kiosk where you ask Microsoft for favours.
just switched to Linux for the first time this week!
I’ll happily help you if needed. Hmu.
This is the problem with Linux. People that know how to use a PC and are not tech illiterate still can’t use it very well. Just the fact that you offered means you know they are probably having some issues.
This is the problem with Windows. People that know how to use a PC and are not tech illiterate still can’t use it very well.
I’m extremely technically literate, build my own PCs and write my own software tools.
I don’t use Linux at home because I don’t want to fiddle. I want to sit down, open steam, and play a game.
I use Linux for many things, but my personal computer uses windows because it just works all the time.
I want to sit down, open steam, and play a game.
I’m sorry all of the Linux fan boys don’t like your comment. My main is Windows and my other PC is a Linux box.
This place is a massive echo chamber. Votes don’t matter
One of us! One of us! One of us!
I’m so glad I switched to linux
Penguin lovers, assemble.
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