Ukrainians in occupied territories who refuse Russian passports face threats, intimidation and possible detention or deportation, Yale study says

    1 year ago

    The anti-US/anti-NATO sentiment turning pro-russian is much older than astrosurfing. American hegemony during the '90s/'00s made it mainstream in many European left-wing parties, especially in reaction to the Gulf and Irak wars. At the time, America was the biggest bully around, used NATO as an extension of its foreign policy, etc. etc. so it was ideologically sound to try to get Europe to build some economic and political ties elsewhere to reduce American influence.

    In this new multipolar world where the US isn’t the only superpower around, one must reconsider this sentiment as it clearly works against Western interests. Yet it somehow persists to this day in left-wing politics with some reactionaries who cannot get over the fact that “America bad” does not mean “Russia/China better” (the enemy of my enemy is… still my enemy, STFU).