I never heard of Baldur’s Gate, but the other day someone on lemmy recommended this playthrough of the game that was just released. I watched it and it’s different from Skyrim etc, in that it has a way deeper story and is played slower. It’s a bit like DnD apparently, which I don’t know much about either.

Anyways, full recommendation!

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
    1 year ago

    it’s a bit like D&D

    No, dude. It is D&D. It’s set in Forgotten Realms, follows the actual lore and uses the actual mechanics of the pen and paper game for all the dice rolling stuff (barring a few things that need tweaking for the medium and eschewing more meta rules that can only work in a PnP setting).

    As a fan of both the original Baldur’s Gate games and D&D in general, I have found BG3 to be the absolute pinnacle of the D&D CRPG subgenre. It lets you do so much more stuff than any other D&D game. I love it. It’s been a while… The last D&D game that did as much as BG3 is doing now was Neverwinter Nights.

  • howsetheraven@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Yeah, like the other comment said, it is literally virtual D&D, not like D&D. Watching a playthrough won’t even give you a fraction of the experience as it is very dependent on how you specifically want to solve problems so if you’re able to, I’d recommend holding off until you buy it.