The Environmental Protection Agency approved a component of boat fuel made from discarded plastic that the agency’s own risk formula determined was so hazardous, everyone exposed to the substance continually over a lifetime would be expected to develop cancer. Current and former EPA scientists said that threat level is unheard of. It is a million times higher than what the agency usually considers acceptable for new chemicals and six times worse than the risk of lung cancer from a lifetime of smoking.

Federal law requires the EPA to conduct safety reviews before allowing new chemical products onto the market. If the agency finds that a substance causes unreasonable risk to health or the environment, the EPA is not allowed to approve it without first finding ways to reduce that risk.

But the agency did not do that in this case. Instead, the EPA decided its scientists were overstating the risks and gave Chevron the go-ahead to make the new boat fuel ingredient at its refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Though the substance can poison air and contaminate water, EPA officials mandated no remedies other than requiring workers to wear gloves, records show.

    1 year ago

    More for* Biden’s legacy, if he and the rest of his administration do nothing, but thanks for highlighting the fact that calling/writting just the EPA will accomplish nothing - those people are likely all appointees, with not a care in the world for getting re-elected.

    All that said, the people down-voting you are ignoring that Biden has supposedly cleaned house at the EPA, or its in progress - they don’t get to lay everything at Trump’s feet any more. Not without dates and details neither they nor the OP’s article really provide. Biden’s term(1st?) in office is almost over for godssake!. Meanwhile, we SHOULD INDEED be harrassing Biden and some Congress-critters about this. This is August 2023, not November 2020.

    Lastly, on matters of accomplishing anything of substance, according to the article, back in June, the EPA proposed a new rule that may yet see this new additive stopped in its tracks. Anyone know how that went?

      1 year ago

      Biden’s term(1st?) in office is almost over for godssake!

      That’s a stretch. His term isn’t over until January 2025. Basically a year and a half left. He’s only 7 months past the halfway point.

        1 year ago

        Look, y’all’s knee-jerk defense of everything Biden was almost cute for the first year or so, but the rest of us are sick of waiting for your neo-liberal status-quo daddy to accomplish anything of substance and put a lid on events like this one.

        All you just spelled out is that he’s had over a year longer in office(aka 62.8% - just a tad short of 2/3rds of his term) than he might have left. You really expect us to believe that an establishment Democrat is so much less capable of Trump-proofing than Trump was of sabotaging it all? They have records of every idiot Trump installed and other actions he took.

        Did I say to impeach him? No, I said to write and petition him. Get on it.

        Get on it as if his term is almost over, because let’s be real: 1.5 years is not enough time for him to accomplish all-that-much(especially by your metric of “he’s only had 2.5 years!!” 🙄 ).

          1 year ago

          On the other side of the same coin your knee-jerk reaction to calling Biden a typical neo-lib is laughable when he’s led the most progressive administration since FDR.

          A $1 trillion infrastructure bill, the first major gun control bill in decades which implemented some common sense background checks people had been asking for for decades; the Inflation Reduction Act which would have been Build Back Better if it wasn’t for the neolibs in Congress who fought against it saying it was too much. This includes a $2,000 annual cap for out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for those insured by Medicare. $80 billion dollars to the IRS to audit the rich. A $380 billion corporate tax increase, and $369 billion in clean energy.

          I’m as progressive as they come. This has been the most progressive administration of my lifetime; but sure let’s just pretend that Biden is just another neo-lib and give every brain-dead progressive fodder to say that Biden isn’t doing anything so they stay at home during the election next year…

          You’re allowed to say you want more from the administration and push them to do more, sure. But pretending Biden is just another neo-lib who hasn’t accomplished anything is reductive and not constructive or helpful for progressives who want more to be done because things take more than 1 election to be accomplished which is something the progressive voting block never seem to understand.

            1 year ago

            Sorry, you’ve confused me for someone who gives a crap what else Biden has accomplished versus the shit like in the OP he or his expects us to let slide or not notice.

            Voted Green last time, and surprisingly Biden has a shot at my vote in this coming election, BUT if you go far enough left, you get your guns back. Don’t come at me with the word “progressive” -to quote Biden, that’s malarky. There’s “progressive” Republicans, and while we’re on that topic, most of what’s getting passed is both bi-partisan and veto-proof, at least in the Senate.

            Maybe don’t attribute everything good, or so much of anything in particular to Biden if you can’t handle seeing the actions of HIS appointees and their lackeys laid at his feet.

            Call me when we get some real prison reform, among a myriad other issues on which Trump merely served as a delay for things the public wants which the Democrats in office don’t really want to do.

      • krolden@lemmy.mlOP
        1 year ago

        Lol what president actually does anything meaningful while they’re also running for a second term? They dont want to possibly lose any votes so they’ll just coast on their previous ‘accomplishments’ and cringe political ads until its time to vote.

      1 year ago

      To be fair, Biden spent considerable amount of time overturning the damage that Trump did too and a regulatory agencies. Of course, nothing’s perfect…

      1 year ago

      Why are you saying stuff like ‘likely’ and ‘supposedly’. Yes the EPA is an executive administration and its leadership is appointed directly by the president: Biden.

        1 year ago

        Because he only directly appoints the head of the EPA. Replacing the head alone does not a clean house make, and if it did, how would this fuel additive get approved?