So today is my birthday, and I’m wanting to cook myself something special! I have carte blanch to make a huge mess that my partner will clean, so I’m rearing to throw down. What are your fav celebratory meals? Could be simple, could be complicated, could be expensive, could be cheap af. Just looking for some inspiration. Anything from dino nuggies to beef wellington! Thanks in advance!

    7 months ago

    Peking Duck with plum sauce and gua bao is a supremely decadent meal that I love as a treat for just this kind of occasion. Anything with duck and fruit, really. Duck l’Orange, Gaeng Phed Ped Yang (Curried Roast Duck with Pineapples and Tomatoes), Roast Duck with Cherries, I could go on.

    I think Peking Duck usually takes the cake as far as special meals go, though, and it’s fun to make with it’s unique technique for separating the skin from the bird and roasting upright for maximum crispy goodness. Gaeng Phed Ped Yang is probably second on the list for me, but the fluffy, soft, wonderful gua bao (which are deceptively easy to make) takes it over the top for me.

    Also, you can reserve the bones and fat from any of the recipes for a killer stock and the fat is great to use in any application you’d use schmaltz.