So today is my birthday, and I’m wanting to cook myself something special! I have carte blanch to make a huge mess that my partner will clean, so I’m rearing to throw down. What are your fav celebratory meals? Could be simple, could be complicated, could be expensive, could be cheap af. Just looking for some inspiration. Anything from dino nuggies to beef wellington! Thanks in advance!

    7 months ago

    If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, I think something hearty like a braise would go nicely with the weather. I recently braided some short ribs in stout and some homemade beef stock and it turned out wonderfully. I had it with some simple roasted veg with balsamic condiment drizzled over and mashed potatoes, so that the reduced braising liquid could do double duty as a sort of gravy. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere though, I think a fancy salad would be a good way to beat the heat.