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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024

  • It sounds like you’re getting into the keeping it running phase.

    First, going back to your previous comment, self-hosting email is difficult. It’s not hard for a small provider to end up blacklisted and you’re probably kind of just done at that point and it will feel very unfair. I get that it’s a fun set of technical challenges, but you couldn’t pay me enough to help someone self-host email.

    Second, guessing, but it sounds like you may be trying to expose your services directly and doing a lot to make that work which goes against what most would recommend for hosting your own services. Big companies don’t expose their intranet like that, follow their example. Almost every guide or system is going to warn against that. If you’re going to host more than one thing, highly recommend focusing on minimizing entry points and looking into a VPN-like solution for accessing most if not all of your services. Still spend time on securing your intranet, but most of your risk is going to come from how hard it is for people to get past the front door (or doors).

  • Fucking podman… Oh man. I have lost way too many hours dealing with podman.

    It’s frustrating, because they’ve put so much into it. It’s close enough that vendors think they can get away with saying their containers are compatible and they’ve probably really honestly tested for brief periods and it really usually is close enough that you don’t discover the differences until you’re already very well established, but then it’s just a little different and it takes you FOREVER to find out why but then the only option once you do find that out is to completely start over from scratch with docker. And, almost no vendor is going to treat them differently because if we talk to redhat, the first note we’ll get back is that everything we’re trying to do should be fully compatible and there should be no need to worry about that. And, then eventually after a few weeks, it’s docker’s fault that IT WORKS IN DOCKER AND NOT IN PODMAN. Docker needs to go fix it so it’s broken for them too, it’s not a bug for podman, the problem is with the one that’s working.

    I’m a bit traumatized, not always the same, but this isn’t a singular occurrence.

  • I mean… Maybe some exceptions, but I don’t feel like the community was being too pushy.

    Stuff happens in life, people get that, but I don’t feel like it’s too much to ask for an update about what’s going on more than once every other month and while we appreciate him trying to handle everything, when he can’t, there needs to be some effort at creating a backup plan. And… then finally when people stepped up to offer to help him, he didn’t appreciate them, ignored their efforts and pushed them out (which is why we have mbin).

  • Envy is an interesting one, I think this is usually based primarily on the ‘Golden Calf’ story.

    There’s a bit of context that makes that story much more interesting. The stories that eventually led to what we think of as the christian god depict god as a bull. It brings up the possibility that the story wasn’t calling out against worshipping other gods but instead a warning against reverting back to old ways, changes how you approach the story.

    Historical evidence there is really all over the place though, there’s a LOT of other interpretations and possibilities.

  • The talk around weight loss is kinda crazy and a lot of it is dominated by pseudoscience.

    However, we are pretty much positive that eating at a calorie deficit will result in weight loss in 99.9% of cases and you aren’t going to be the 0.1%. There’s a lot of anecdotal data about how eating too little will make you stop losing weight or even gain more weight because of your ‘metabolism’, but no controlled studies that show that to be a significant contributor without other causes. It’s not some magical metabolism trick, you’re just cheating on your metrics and doing less because you’re tired and cranky and have no energy because you aren’t eating right.

    Saying that, eating at a massive deficit can definitely make you feel like shit and will make it hard to exercise, do not recommend. You will also likely have a part of your brain dedicated to fantasizing about food 24/7 and your libido will likely be in the trash if that matters to you. This will be very hard to maintain, and you have to remember that there’s never going to be a day where you can go back to eating like ‘normal’. Your current normal is why you need to lose weight and your goal is to eventually establish a new baseline.

    Lastly, highly recommend against adding calories back due to exercise. We don’t have a lot of good data about there being any reliable indicators of actual calories burned available to the average person and you’ll find a tremendous amount of super variable answers when you find instances where people tried to actually test the estimates you see online. The time you put into exercise isn’t about weight loss, it will help, but it’s a bonus just for you because you deserve to have the body that you want.