Had me in the first half, not gonna lie
Just not in any other ways, like it going against essentially his entire character and the ring not allowing it, among others.
LoL is not a company, the creator and owner of it is Riot Games.
i doubt they’d have time to drown tbh, at depth a small leak is likely to cause immediate and sudden implosion, instantly crushing anyone inside. not sure how that would play out in a larger non-circular space though like rapture.
Well it’s not like they’re looking at their actual faces, they’re looking at an in-game avatar that’s often highly sexualized or otherwise very pretty
Then you may be in the wrong community buddy
Then I’d say he has an even bigger issue, being an idiot
According to this article, the average temp for paper to ignite is ~230° C (or ~455° F, Fahrenheit 451 anyone?). Your PC will never reach those temps short of a serious electrical issue, and then you have bigger problems than a piece of paper burning up.
Yea I’m using it for now, the community is very nice even if the founders are trash.
It’s not about emotions or morals though, it’s about how he’s treated. He’s obviously gonna have more privilege than any human.
He’s literally the king of the gods, don’t think how things are for humans has any impact on his behaviour.
And 12 and 16 years ago. Unfortunately they might break it for real this time.
What in the everloving fuck do you Americans do to your pizzas that makes them be so greasy that you can wipe it off???
Plenty of others complained, the difference was just that they could swallow the pill and keep playing. Linux players were just fucked.
And a sledgehammer if the thumbnail is anything to go by
What you want to do is create an arc between the stick and the line, and not have it transfer to you. A dry stick would do this quite well, since it would be at ground voltage and as such would provoke a short arc without electrocuting yourself. The fence also probably doesn’t have all that much power, likely can’t deliver more than a few amps, so it would be quite safe even.
there’s this little human thing called emotions that you might have missed, and some people are real bad at controlling them. the reasons behind that can be varied, but often they have a stake in the game (as in they’ve bet on it or similar).
Yea same, it’s just less stressful.
I can imagine it might be a tad difficult to produce processors on a nanometer scale if the entire building is shaking violently.