I only work in theory

‘E questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la libertà’

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • For context: XR was protesting against endless fossil fuel subsidies given out by the government. They did so by blocking a highway (which was announced) and by having all sorts of people join the protest. They played music, kids were playing everywhere, singing songs, being peaceful.

    The farmers are protesting laws that will limit them in their nitrogen output, meaning lots of farmers have to stop farming (or close their mega factory like stables with animals used for meat, which we don’t need in The Netherlands anyway). The laws will take place because with current nitrogen output, building of new houses has been delayed and our nature areas are starting to grow monocultures of plants, destroying entire ecosystems. The farmers are backed by big agricultural companies and far right parties, of course.

    The farmers were not allowed to protest with vehicles like they did the last few times. But they broke through a police blockade and entered the area with heavy trucks. Police did nothing, whereas the police force at XR’s protest just arrested hundreds of people.