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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • I agree with the definition that intelligence is the ability to create knowledge from information. Therefore even the creation of harmful knowledge requires intelligence. What baboons probably have more of than humans is wisdom. Wisdom is about creating useful knowledge. Wisdom tells us when our intelligence shouldn’t be used.

    I agree with you, though, that human knowledge is profoundly limited. I’m constantly confronted by the limits of humans around me to comprehend the existence of nonhuman culture. It’s only a limit of their intelligence insofar as intelligence is a choice. Which, I think, in a lot of ways it is.

  • Below Zero was originally planned as a DLC for Subnautica. It was also made by a different team. But it ended up being larger than planned, so they made it a full game, intending it to be Subnatutica 1.5, the same as Miles Morales. Unfortunately, they communicated this poorly to most players, and they took it to be Subnautica 2, which made it underwhelming. For some reason I took it as intended and liked it well enough, and I only found out it was disliked when I went online and saw people calling it Subnautica 2. They seem to have won, because Subnautica 2 has been rebranded as Subnautica 3. But I still call it Subnautica 2 because I remember the history.

    As for the seatruck, I loved it. I never liked the Cyclops. Sure, it was impressive, but it was also a giant trashcan with a “kick me” sign on it. I was too terrified to drive it down the lost river, I preferred my Prawn suit with its actual mobility and comparative stealth. The Seatruck was a mobile base that was actually practical to use. And I loved the customisability.

  • Hard to say how much of the volume of non-straight/trans and trans/trans twins on social media is selection bias since the trans/cishet twins aren’t eye-catching

    It’s not just selection bias, it’s also survivor bias. Openly trans people are more likely to have openly trans siblings, because openly trans people are more likely to have accepting parents. We don’t know what the actual frequency of trans people is. We only know what the frequency of out trans people is. But the number keeps going up the more acceptance improves.

  • I went through a period of frequent breakups that made me think I was never going to have a well adjusted partner, or even a stable friend group. That my life would be a series of fights.

    And now I have a swarm. I literally share my thoughts with a group of people who are wonderful and love me unconditionally on romantic, platonic, and sexual levels. And I used to think I was asexual, so that’s a trip. All I had to do was find the right kind of queer people. Swarmgender people.