• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Most Blu-ray’s now come with digital files. You can upload these to a server like Plex (this requires you to setup a Plex server which I don’t expect the average consumer to be capable of, but uploading it to a MacBook or whatever is basically enough) to digitise your collection. Now you still own the physical media, and have a digital version of it as well.

    And this is completely legal.

    You could also skip the buying the physical Blu-ray part. But that is less than legal (but you’re unlikely to get caught… just saying, yar har)

  • Imotali@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm looking for recipes
    10 months ago

    More than half of America lives paycheck to paycheck. Vegan options are more expensive. Until you fix the economic crisis and solve poverty you really can’t enforce veganism.

    This isn’t even getting into the fact that vegan options are literally nonexistent in many places.

    Oh but you don’t care about that because you only care about veganism because it allows you to feel morally superior to others.

  • Imotali@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm looking for recipes
    10 months ago

    “Carnism” that’s the difference between vegans and non-vegans.

    Only vegans view their diet as a lifestyle and shit on everyone else who isn’t vegan. We’re not “carnists” we don’t give a fuck really except that we hate vegans. Why? Because you lot are the pushiest, most openly judgemental, arrogant pieces of shit to walk the earth.

  • I hate Islam. I’m not racist.

    I also hate any religion that states unequivocally in their holy book that certain classes of people are less than others… which is a core tenet of Islamic and Christian beliefs.

    I couldn’t actually tell you if it’s in the Tanakh, but it very well wouldn’t surprise me.

    Any positive experience and interaction I have with a Muslim is in spite of their beliefs and their religion being a bit backwards in places.

    Edit: I also hate any religion that preaches that people are inherently evil or unworthy of salvation… that shit is toxic af.