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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Find better hobbies. Consume information, and then use that information to create. There are so many free resources if you are willing to look. Find friends who make those drab moments fly by. Talk to a professional if you legitimately cannot find the joy in anything. If you see parts of your world that could be changed for the better, then be a part of that change. Who cares if you’re just one person? What were you going to do with your time instead? Jerk off and shitpost?

    No one is the secret heir to a magical legacy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the parts of the world we inhabit as beautiful as possible in the time we have.

  • “Remembering Prey”? The game is 7 years old, and has a release on current gen consoles. The nostalgia cycle is starting to spiral in on itself. Get ready for “Remember Baldurs Gate 3” next month.

    If we want to talk about a game that is about ready for a nostalgic revival, featured unique gameplay for the time, told a story with interesting lore, and had the potential for interesting sequels, let’s remember Prey (2006). Also, it had a bus full of evil ghost kids on a spaceship. Can’t beat that.

  • The men who are insulted are making the statement about them. They are too small-minded to consider that the analogy is about how women feel in our world today, not about picking on men. You watch movies and smugly pick out plot holes, while the symbolism and meaning fly miles over your head. We don’t need to know bear attack statistics to wonder why women are choosing the bear.

    If you feel attacked by the bear talk, you either lack empathy, or are the strange man in the woods. Either way I don’t need you repping my gender thanks.

  • The issue is, if you want a job in this sort of field, 90% of the time it is contract, with no option or ability to switch over to permanency. I have worked for several years in my current IT job, but I am technically a contractor, and every 6 months, I need to make peace with the fact that I might not have a job for no reason. I definitely do not rock the boat, because even though they’re “not allowed” to fire me if I join a union, they only have to wait till the end of the contract to find another worker bee.

  • So, women and children are the most common victims of domestic abuse. Your solution to this is to coddle the men who beat, abuse, and murder their families? Because they have been “treated like shit”? If a fox keeps killing my chickens, I’m not going to ask the fox for advice on how to protect the coop.

    Buddy, EVERYBODY is treated like shit by society these days. But most of us don’t take it out on our families and loved ones. 99% of us feel let down by the system, yet manage to not tie our partners to clotheslines and set them on fucking fire.

    The absolute shitstains that can’t wrap their head around the idea that their pain doesn’t give them the right to hurt and kill the people that depend on them deserve no word on the matter of domestic abuse. Fuck them.

  • What an odd article. The Māori people signed a treaty with the Crown. This treaty was ignored by the government, and still seems to have no legal binding. A tribunal was created to call out breaches of the treaty. This tribunal is independent, was not created by the government, and any finding made by the tribunal can be disregarded by the government on a whim.

    Yet at the end of the article, Minister Davis says that a Treaty would be a ‘unifying moment’? Why? Because it means that Indigenous Australians would have to try even harder to be heard?

  • What in the Wizards-of-the-Coast is this shit?

    I actually cannot figure out where the logic is on this sort of thing (apart from CEOs having big cartoon dollar signs for eyes). You create a product, give it out for free, then get salty when people use your free product and demand payment in retrospect? And not just a ‘commercial licence’ payment, but a cut off the top of every game sold.

    I can’t wait for visual effects software companies to start charging James Cameron $0.20 on every ticket sold for Avatar 3.

    Or Tesla to start charging their drivers a fee anytime they use their car as a rideshare vehicle… actually I wouldn’t put that one past Emerald Boy.