Thanks a lot! As of now I dont think I plan for extra usb features, more so interested in the Samsung super fast charging. I believe thats a 65 watt cable? And as far a flash drives go, upgrade to the 3.1?
Thanks a lot! As of now I dont think I plan for extra usb features, more so interested in the Samsung super fast charging. I believe thats a 65 watt cable? And as far a flash drives go, upgrade to the 3.1?
Some apps I’ve found that could be very useful with root are exodus, permission pilot, warden, app manager, and probably many others. Not sure if there’s a way to fully utilize the good features of these apps without root
Thanks a lot, I am weary about rooting and will probably not do it. So what are some other similar ways you could utilize the adb route?
Gosh sorry for the late reply, I’ve been hot and cold with lemmy; its still a weird concept to me lol. The apps that I’ve found that require root are any of the system scanner apps like debloaters, tracker removers, app permission managers, and other things in that ballpark; basically security type apps I guess?
Thank you. I dont even have a display as I use my laptop for all my computing needs lol I guess the HDMI worry is more about connecting to my TV. And what is a good wattage for phone charging? The super fast Samsung protocol I guess? And it should be 3.1 gen 2?