Preventing exchange of things that we’re as legally entitled to as our money and bodies is goddamn impossible.
Preventing exchange of things that we’re as legally entitled to as our money and bodies is goddamn impossible.
They don’t have to figure it out. It’s well documented.
Yeah, I’ve been getting sick of the journalists just assuming they’re only getting to their own crowd who should automatically know what they’re talking about.
If I ever put my phone in my left pocket, I will lose my mind looking for it.
Changing language can’t change what’s right. I think I win this one.
This is a valid argument and I’d hoped nobody would mention it. 😡
Well in fancy restaurants, which should be the example we all follow because of how much better than us they are, the knife is always pointed in towards the plate and closest to the plate. This reduces odds of getting cut accidentally. Otherwise the silverware should be arranged from the outside to the inside in order that they’re meant to be used for each course because trying to truck your guests is a signal that you want to embarrass them with knowledge they aren’t generally expected to actually have. Spoons and forks should be grouped.
Nooo, one is a teaspoon and the other a tablespoon! It’s for measuring!
Knife should be on the left and the spoons on the right. Fite me.
As cameras have taken over, so too has people being caught betraying their trusted positions of power.
Xbox and PlayStation should just stop existing. The only thing they do is market manipulation and limiting their user base.
A good option for some is just tethering your phone for the update.
Wake me up when AI isn’t garbage.
I’d rather kick them off the boat.
“and what’s your evidence?”
“Well just look at it.”
The same way we know there’s nothing wrong with drugs that are pushed en mass. We don’t.