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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023

  • External Bluetooth controllers are always a pain.

    In what way? I use them and it works just fine. Plus, I already had one so it cost me nothing to use it with my phone.

    those clip-on ones are always awful.

    Again, how? The ones I have seen used work perfectly fine, plus there is a large number of devices to choose from; I am sure they aren’t all awful.

    Plus it’s splitting the battery life between two devices, nothing bugs me more than using my phone for everything only to be shocked that the battery dies twice a day.

    Most people carry a charger or battery pack with them anyways so that is not a problem. Besides aren’t you already powering two devices when you carry this thing around with you… I’m gonna guess you have Bluetooth headphones too, so that’s 3 devices now.

  • Dialect coach Meier understands the appeal of the idea that 17th-Century speech patterns have been perfectly preserved an ocean away. “It is a delightful and attractive myth that Shakespeare’s language got fossilised” in parts of the US.

    Not a great source honestly, was expecting more of a linguistic study rather than this. Even the article doesn’t entirely agree this is true.

    English is a living language that has continued to evolve within its country of origin. Is your point that because the American dialect hasn’t evolved as much suddenly makes it better somehow?

    Additionally, English is the most common language on the planet and there are many dialects, but no one outside of England can claim theirs is the “correct form of english” because it’s not their language.

  • Got any evidence at all to prove any of your points… No?

    Your second source separates mutts and backs up your original claim?

    Read it and find out, is that so hard? No wonder all your links have been irrelevant, you probably didn’t even read your own evidence.

    Here I have pulled one graph from that page, you dont even need to read the whole article now. But if you did you would find a break down by year, case, breed and causes for attacks. Along with evidence backing up each case.

    If your argument isn’t that mutts + pit bulls and commonly mistaken for like Cane Corso’s make up 60%, than that is not a source backing up your argument.

    Are you seriously asking me what my point is when I have repeated at nauseum. Are you that dense?

    Provide evidence for any of the crap you have dribbling about or go away lol. And until then I’m not going to bother to continue engaging you.

  • Your own source, an attorney’s office, is who states that mutts with pit in their genetics are part of that 60% number. This is your own source.

    I knew you never looked up my second link.

    Regardless of what you think about the validity of my evidence at least I provide links relevant to the discussion. You don’t even know what a dog breed is.

    Oh, did you ever find anything to prove your initial point? No, I didn’t think so…

  • So your argument started out as pits cause 60% of attacks to now being the 5 pit types, the commonly mistaken for Pitts, and mutts comprise 60% of attacks.

    My argument never changed; Pitbull breeds cause 60% of attacks/fatalities. You just don’t understand what a dog breed is. You still think the dogs outlined in the articles I have linked are just mistaken for Pitbulls when they are pitbulls.

    Meanwhile your argument was that cops don’t perform DNA testing to confirm what breed of dog is responsible for each attack. You couldn’t prove that, and when pressed for information you told me to go find out for myself when it’s your own point.

    You then provided a link that stated 1 specific dog type is mistaken for other dogs, which had nothing to do with anything; additionally that link explained that multiple dogs fall under the pit bull categorisation (which I doubt you even read yourself).

    You then provided a link from the UK (A country that has already banned large pit bulls, which makes me laugh as you are using them to defend Pitbulls), but per your own words it was not relevant to the discussion as it was related to tracking dogs, not confirming which breeds were responsible for attacks; continuing your trend of pointless links.

    And then you rambled about all evidence being irrelevant as you could not find a centralised police data base. As if they are an authority on dog breeds in the first place.

    You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a dog breed is and what constitutes a Pitbull. And when I provide information to help your understanding you don’t even bother to read past the first few lines.