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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • You should watch - Leave the World Behind

    You might be right, but I don’t think it’ll be because their cars are the easiest to hack, it’ll be because they have the most cars out there capable of doing this and it’d be more impactful attack if successful.

    (edit: Also they’d be able to exert the most control on their cars with the software/sensors available today at scale. E.g they could more easily have the car drive around until it finds a pedestrian to hit)

    (edit: Further, you can make the most changes to a Tesla as they have one of the more (or probably most) advanced OTA update capabilities)

    They are definitely a prime target.

  • I think it’s pretty idiotic to

    Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT impose other composition rules (e.g., requiring mixtures of different character types) for passwords.

    They might mean well, but the reason we require a special character and number is to ensure the amount of possible characters are increased.

    If a website doesn’t enforce it, people are just going to do a password like password

    password is a totally valid password under this rule. Any 8 letter word is valid. hopsital for example.

    These passwords can be cracked in seconds under 10 minutes, and have their hashes checked for in leaks in no time if the salt is also exposed in the hack.

    Edit: Below

    Numbers from a calculator with 8 characters using sha2 (ignoring that crackers will try obvious fill ins like 0 for o and words before random characters, this is just for example)

    hospital 5m 23s

    Hospital 10m 47s

    Hospita! 39m 12s

    Moving beyond 8

    Hospita!r - 19h 49m

    Hospita!ro 3w 4d

    Hospita!roo 2y 1m

    Hospita!room 66 years

    The suggestion of multiple random words makes not needing the characters but you have to enforce a longer limit then, not 8.

    At least with 11 characters with upper case and special characters if it was all random you get about 2 years after a breach to do something instead of mere weeks. If it was 11 characters all lower case nothing special you’d only get 2 months and we are rarely notified that fast.