• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • A handful of comments on a thread where people say that the doxxing of specifically nazis is a valid self defense tactic against nazism, is not the same as the “point of beehaw” - which is full of news, recipes, gaming and music discussions, chatter, all kinds if things - being about doxxing people. And i think you know that.

  • PotentiallyAnApricot@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.org*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    It sounds like the post in question was not on beehaw, and it was later removed. I can understand feeling strongly about that, but no one was actually doxxed on beehaw and regardless of anyone’s opinions on whether or not it’s ok to dox neo nazis, it was made clear that doxxing would still be against beehaw’s rules. It sounds like the moderators were following their policy of not messing with non-beehaw posts, but then did actually go ahead and remove it. So their own philosophy about it didn’t impede moderation decisions. No one said that it was ok to “dox people we don’t like here”, they said that while they personally believed that doxxing people who specifically engage in the violent ideology of neonazism was ok, the post in question was outside beehaw’s usual moderation scope. Later it was clarified that doxxing is against beehaw’s rules, and the federated post was removed anyway. I do think all that nuance is really important, and I do think that, intentionally or not, your post initially made the situation sound like something pretty different than what was actually said or what happened.

  • PotentiallyAnApricot@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.org*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    I think it’s perfectly valid to feel a personal conviction against doxing as tactic to fight neo nazism, without also conflating someone’s ideas on the subject with “what is okay here” and “getting the popcorn”. It feels kinda weird to me and less like an attempt to raise a concern, and more like something else that may not be entirely in good faith. I think reasonable people can disagree on this one without it being a blanket statement about beehaw, or what you are expected to think or feel comfortable/uncomfortable with as a user. It’s perfectly okay to not like what you read or agree with it. But I’m uncomfortable with your implication that this one screenshot means things it doesn’t actually say, in a broad way about beehaw. Unless I’m missing some information, no one has doxxed anyone here. Please don’t try to start popcorn-getting-level conflicts here. I don’t think anybody wants that.

  • I understand and don’t doubt that this is really painful. And it’s awkward as hell to navigate assumptions some people might make because of certain privileges you have - that’s shitty. But it’s not racism, or similar to racism. It’s not oppression (related to a power structure that is woven into societal institutions), it’s mean behavior. People are being assholes to you, and some of them might (? Did they say that, or did you assume?) be claiming inaccurate watered down interpretation of the sociological concept of privilege as an excuse, but this is very different than racism, which comes with a whole mess of legal, historical, legislative, state backed, institutionally sanctioned, violence and does not really depend on interpersonal interactions. It’s not to take away from the things that happened to you, it’s just a different thing. The structure of society’s institutions in many countries is oriented to favor white people, even as individual interactions that white people have in the world can easily be cruel or negligent. I’m sorry that people have been dismissing your needs and that you haven’t been able to get good medical care without being gaslit or talked down to (me too!). But that is not anti whiteness. (Though it might be misogyny or ableism) It’s a failed medical system making excuses to hide its own lack of resources. People kind of suck, many institutions suck. Racism, though, is a very very specific form of oppression that white people just do not experience. This is also true with money. Oppression goes far beyond being condescended to by professionals or having people make sarcastic comments about your finances. Rudeness is not oppression. Your problems are very real and you deserve help and compassion for them. But they are not caused by your whiteness or your privilege.

  • I think this is a good example of how people can be oppressed in multiple ways (medical gaslighting, ableism, financial class, fatphobia, low wages, etc) without one of those ways being racism. The world is still garbage for many white people, but not because of racism. Talking about privilege is not a way to say that all white people are doing perfectly fine, just a recognition of the ways that being white protects one from racism specifically, and from the economic or other social effects of racism. (And what a big difference that make even if we don’t realize that) But not from all isms, and not from all difficulties. Saying someone has a certain privilege is not meant as a way to dismiss their other problems, it’s just supposed to be a neutral way to talk about how different people get treated differently on a sociological level for different reasons. People can have white privilege but not economic privilege, or straight privilege but be sick, or any combination of traits that affect their life and how they are treated. I really hope that you can find a more respectful doctor.

  • This is really cool. It is actually really useful to be taught things that will help you navigate the world better. Lots of people just don’t get this information at home and tumble into adulthood without it. I’m really grateful that when I went to school about ten years ago, many of the intro classes included units about privilege and race. I remember the experience as being more like “oh crap, I didn’t realize that, now I have a bit more information about how to to act more in line with my preexisting values in the world and be wayyy less weird socially” and not “oh no it is bad to be privileged!”. I imagine that is what it’s like for most people. Fearmongering aside. Lots of people just don’t get parented or educated about this so schools have to do it. It’s helpful. It’s useful. I know many of these articles are supposed to make it seem shocking, but it’s not, it’s just telling people things they might not have realized in high school. It’s a good thing and it isn’t new at all. It’s just that this terminology has entered the public conscIousness and made some people mad. I’m really glad not all schools have caved to this weird reactionary disingenuous repression of what are honestly important life skills