Stoneykins [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    6 months ago

    It never reffered to a gate, that didn’t exist at the same time. But camels do supposedly fit through said gate, if they get on their knees.

    Of course all bullshit to help rich people feel like being wealthy wasn’t a sin if they were “humble” about it.

  • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyztoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    It happens to be an instance federated with several idealogy-heavy instances, while itself being a general use instance with simple account creation procedures.

    It makes it a popular choice for people who want to make multiple accounts for trolling, as well as people who have unpopular (as far as lemmy goes) ideologies. You can hopefully understand the kind of friction that could create and the reputation is the outcome.

    You probably could have figured this out yourself if you just… Looked around. You shouldn’t expect people who are in disagreement with you to explain everything.

  • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyztoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    If this is your main argument then:

    …it’s obvious that any human being tends to prefer people who they consider similar to themselves.

    Doesn’t your paper you linked imply it isn’t so obvious? I still stand by that it’s not really relevant so I’ll just say that I fully disagree with your argument or the implication that you have somehow proven anything.

    I’ll repeat something I said in another comment:

    It is intentionally, intellectually dishonest and obtuse to pretend that condemnation of systemic problems resulting from unfair biases for/from certain demographics is as bad as the systemic problems in question.

    You just pretend you are unaware of massive swaths of history in order to act offended that anyone would make generic statements about an infamously problematic demographic. And you falsely equate any attempt to talk generically about the problematic behaviour to the same issue, as a transparent tactic to suppress discussion of the problematic behaviour entirely.

    I’m sure you will have some bullshit response that will annoy me again but I’m gunna try to let it go because I find talking to you unpleasant.

  • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyztoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    Your barely-in-context paper is not support for your main argument :

    However, this arguably applies less to white men than any other demographic, because such behavior is so consistently condemned and shamed when exhibited by white men.

    Do you have any citations that actually support your claim? Because it sounds like vibes “please don’t say mean things about my group” bullshit.

  • Apple is interested in maintaining full control of what apps can be on their platform and how they are presented because it gives them power over negotiations with companies that build the apps. They are basically able to “name their price” and make sure they are always getting as big of a cut as they would like.

    The EU is interested in not letting them do that because that kind of “negotiating” behavior is pretty well understood to be anti-consumer. Increased costs for app developers are usually passed directly onto the consumer through the prices. And it tends to get worse over time.

    No company anywhere wants to use webapps anymore. Apps installed on devices are free advertising and access to user data. It is frustrating but the way it is, on all devices, already. So basically the answer is the same as why can’t most apps that already exist on all devices anyways just be web apps.

    I don’t think sideloaded would be quite the right word, this is about access to other app stores (like the google play store or amazon app store, or more niche ones) that would then formally and automatically install and maintain apps exactly the same way the apple app store already does, presumably just with a different library of apps to choose from.

    Apps from another app store would need no access to any API by apple unless they were specifically interacting with apple services, AFAIK. Which, would be under the full control of apple and apple chooses who uses it, how, and how much they use it, but that is already the case regardless.

    I tried to answer your confusions as best as I can do with what I know already. As for why people take this so personally, I would say it is a complex topic combining businesses that are constantly trying to drive each other out of business with the social effects of making the tool people use to communicate a status symbol. And it has been brewing for long enough that people are getting extreme opinions and fostering long term grudges based on personal experience, to the point that some people have some real hatred towards anyone who has a different phone OS than them.

    This was a long comment to type and I did it while laying in bed half asleep. Sorry if it has a bunch of typos or errors lol